Sasha Zhoya, a young athletic prodigy, chose to defend the colors of France. - Thomas SAMSON / AFP

You don't know it yet, but France may have just recovered the future star of world athletics. Sasha Zhoya, a 17-year-old young phenomenon holder of the world records for the pole, 60m and 110m hurdles, finally decided to run under the colors of the France team, tells us Le Parisien this Friday.

Born in Australia to a Zimbabwean father and a French mother, he had the choice between these three nationalities. He quickly dismissed Zimbabwe, but between Australia and France, it was a real dilemma for him. The first is the country where he was born, where he lives and where he has all his friends. A place of choice in the national team also stretched out his arms to him, perhaps even from the Olympic Games 2020. The second represents more solid support up to the highest level and the opportunity to compete in more competitions. This difficult choice was very well explained in a report on the program Stade 2 broadcast a few days ago.

With already 2 cadet world records (pole / 110m hurdles) @sasha_zhoya is THE phenomenon of # world athletics. Franco-Australian he must choose his nationality within a few days. A report # stade2 signed @thierryvildary @FFAthletisme

- Emmanuel Lefort (@lefortmanu) December 23, 2019

Why France, then? "We analyzed all the parameters, the pros, the cons, the emotional side, the organization, the financial perspectives, the family, the friends," explained her mother Catherine to the Parisian . He made a professional choice, so we looked at the opportunities to be able to compete in as many high-level competitions. And it is in Europe that it happens. To progress, you have to face the best on a regular basis. This is what tipped the scales. "

Another determining factor is the prospect of playing the 2024 Olympic Games at home. Besides, if Paris had not won, his choice might have been different, admits his mother. This is in any case a very great hope to make grow for the French athlete, who needs it at the moment.


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  • Athletics
  • OJ 2024
  • Sport