• Zozulia: a neo-Nazi or a patron of the People's Army?

Roman Zozulia broke a silence that almost lasted three years to "clarify once and for all" the controversy over the tricky issue of his political convictions. The Ukrainian striker, 30, offered a press conference in Albacete where he defined himself as "apolitical and contrary to all ideologies."

Four days after the shouts of some Lightning fans caused the suspension of the game in Vallecas, Zozulia was unmarked of the accusations. "Everything they say about me is not true. I'm just a footballer and a Ukrainian patriot," he said, before being "tired of hearing the insults."

"Helping my country is no crime. Being a patriot is not a crime," he said of his commitment to the nation that in recent years maintains a low-intensity war with Russia. A conflict in which Zozulia has also been involved, economically supporting Narodna Armiya or People's Army.

His link with this armed organization, which has fought in the Donbass area, was based more on the humanitarian than on the military. At least, according to his own testimony. "He never bought weapons for combat. He only acquired technical equipment, such as ambulances, food or clothing, to save lives. We help hospitals, buying medicines for cancer patients and children," he said.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • soccer
  • Second division
  • Albacete Football

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