At the moment, it is unclear whether Östersund will play in the Allsvenskan or Superetta next season.

The Swedish Football Association's licensing committee announced in November that ÖFK had not been granted elite license in 2020 for financial reasons, which could mean a forced degradation.

Yesterday, two representatives of the club - CEO Lennart Ivarsson and board member Tom Pripp - were on site in Stockholm to meet with the Board of Appeal.

"Have balance in the economy"

They supplemented with the latest information and were able to answer questions.

- I don't want to give any details, but it was a follow-up to the meeting we had with the licensing committee. We have presented material that clarifies what we submitted to the licensing committee. It has been almost a month since that meeting and work has progressed for us. Especially in terms of having a balance in the economy ahead of 2020, Ivarsson tells SVT Sport by phone during Thursday.

And it's under control now?

- Yes, definitely.

What feeling do you have around the message?

- It is clear that as we have presented it all, we are very optimistic. Then you have to be humble before others make the judgments.

Did you feel better or worse after yesterday's meeting?

- I can not answer that.

Message may be delayed until Monday

Joakim Högberg Jacobsson, secretary of the Board of Appeal, announces that no message will come during Thursday.

- No, it will be tomorrow at the earliest, but maybe on Monday. It is, as we have said before, that the decision is then announced via the Swedish Football Association's website and we will not give the message to anyone else, he tells SVT Sport.

If the Board of Appeal goes on the licensing board's line, ÖFK can appeal to the next instance, which is the Swedish Sports Commission.