Hosseinpour was very clear already on the day the news about Zlatan's purchase of part of Hammby was wired.

- I feel sorry for Zlatan. He has burned all the bridges to MFF, he said.

That the vandalization of the statue started fairly immediately and has continued weeks after the Zlatan message is no surprise to Hosseinpour.

- MFF Support does not support any kind of criminal behavior and vandalism is that, so it is not something we support, says the Malmö supporter but also mean that he wants to see the statue moved and that he has full understanding that the statue will be vandalized.

- I have, it's a complicated issue, but it is so that the placement of the statue is extremely problematic. It stands on the way to the stand where the most passionate supporters stand. Every time you go to an MFF match you pass a statue representing a partner in a football team that will trump Malmö FF.

- I'm not surprised by the vandalism. I have said before that it is a matter of time. The reason is, for statue's sake, that it be moved from that location.

Shipped to Staffanstorp

Where do you think it should be moved to?

"It can be packed in Zlatans Porsche and moved to Staffanstorp," says Hosseinpour with reference to a publicity campaign.

- Otherwise somewhere in central Malmö maybe, if the City of Malmö feels that it still means so much to the city. Alternatively, it will be sent to a neutral location somewhere in Sweden, says Hosseinpour.

SVT Sports expert Daniel Nannskog suggests that the statue should be on a museum or in SVFF's premises, what do you think about it?

- It doesn't sound completely unreasonable, like a reasonable idea.

- But that Zlatan himself will have to pay for a move does not, most of the time, sound about money for Zlatan right now. It would be a loss of prestige for him and I don't think his ego would allow it.

But if destroyed, would it be even worse for Zlatan?

- Yes, it is very possible.

Zlatan - turned away from reality

The essence behind the enormous anger of Malmö supporters we see and who do not seem to be bling is how Zlatan made a statement about the Hammarby purchase.

- That despite his purchase in Hammarby and despite making Hammarby a better football team than Malmö FF, he stressed that the Malmö residents and supporters would have no problem with this. It was a reality away from reality.

Zlatan had said that he still has Malmö FF closest to his heart and only sees Hammarby as an economic deal. Had we not seen any vandalism then?

- It would have been less hot feelings. But if the statue was vandalized anyway, I don't know.

Now the future of the statue is uncertain. According to Hosseinpour, either a rigorous safety device is required to protect it or to move it. Otherwise, sooner or later it will be destroyed.

- Yes. And it is unreasonable that protective devices and police are needed for a statue. If anything, this is a reason why the statue should be moved. Malmö City should not have to spend tax money on it being there.

- Either it learns to be destroyed or it should be moved.

You will not be surprised if you wake up to a headline that the Zlatan statue is overturned?

- No, I wouldn't be surprised to see that headline eventually.

CLIP: Nannskog: "Remove the statue from there"

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Nannskog: "Remove the statue from there"