SDE took the lead in the first period through Amy Budde. American's second goal of the season after fine preparation by Kayleigh Hamers. The second period was characterized mainly by occasional jerky play and a lot of expulsions on both sides. Djurgården was passive and did not manage to create much chances against Lindsey Post in the SDE box.

The third period was just 52 seconds old when Jennifer Wakefield acknowledged when she took the puck over offensive blue on her own and splashed 1-1. SDE had the chance a short time later to regain the lead when they were awarded a penalty but then Lovisa Berndtsson in the animal goal was the number too big and keep the puck out of goal.

Captain Andrea Dalen then gave the home team the lead as she stepped forward in the offensive zone and pinned 2-1 to Djurgården. With six minutes left, Alice Östensson was able to put the nail in the coffin as she extended the livestock lead after a goal keeper return.

Andrea Dalen was not very happy despite the profits.

- We started very tough. We had a real snack during the second period break. The last twenty we played a little more that we want to do but we are not really happy even if we win today, says Andrea Dalen after the game.

Three points for Djurgården and Stockholm's fine season continue in the top layer of the table. For Djurgården, another derby, against AIK this time, is already waiting tomorrow.