The Civil Guard accuses the person in charge of the Training Area of ​​the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF ), Jacinto Alonso , of charging at least 600,000 euros in commissions in exchange for managing the insurance policies of the body now chaired by Luis Rubiales .

The Judicial Police has delivered a report to the judge of the National Court that instructs the 'Soule case', to which EL MUNDO has had access, in which he also accuses the president of the Riojana Football Federation of making a profit between 2009 and 2016 with the policies signed between the company Helvetia and the RFEF.

During that period of time Alonso was, at the same time, insurance agent and member of the federation's board of directors . But it is that this high position also made a profit with the policies subscribed by the Mutualidad de Futbolistas and the regional federation that it presides over. All this at the same time that he was, in addition to the director of the RFEF, a member of the Board of Directors of the Mutualidad de Futbolistas since 2009 and head of Rioja football since February 2012.

The commissions "began," says the Civil Guard, "precisely the same year that Alonso held a position on the Board of Directors of the RFEF." In parallel, it highlights that the condition of Alonso's insurance broker "conflicts with its federal positions", especially when it was managing the contracting of the policies of the organizations to which it belonged. Not surprisingly, this issue unleashed the "concern" of Rubiales' own high office, as evidenced in the conversations intervened by court order in the summary of 'Soule'.

Despite having marketed a total of 165 Helvetia policies in recent years, the Civil Guard emphasizes that "80% of Alonso's revenues" were obtained thanks to federative contracts, coming to enter by commissions linked to these contracts " about 600,000 euros. "

Likewise, there was the circumstance that all the federative organizations linked to Alonso not only signed the policies that he himself managed but also exponentially increased their amount over the years. Automatically firing in this way the manager's commissions.

Along these lines, the RFEF "paid 96,000 euros in 2012 and 242,000 euros in 2016 ". For its part, the Riojana Federation went from paying "11,000 euros in 2009 to 19,000 in 2016" and the Mutalidad de Futbolistas also increased the amount of their contract, "from 150,000 to 254,000 euros in the same period of time."

"These concomitances, in isolation, already allow us to infer that there is a causal relationship between the increase in the remuneration of the investigated as an insurance agent and the contracting of policies by the sports entities to which it is linked," concludes the Civil Guard.

Although Alonso has been charged in the 'Soule case ' since it broke out two years ago, Rubiales has relied on his innocence to the point of putting him at the forefront of what he himself dubbed "the jewel in the Crown", in reference to the Training Area of ​​the RFEF.

"It would be a bad leader if I put aside a person with the years of experience and knowledge of the world of football that Jacinto has," said the president of Spanish football in his defense. "He is a good person, a great leader and meets all the requirements to be on the team ."

The Civil Guard has definitively quantified in its latest report the commissions charged by Alonso and underlines that his conduct, which was carried out before the arrival of Rubiales to the RFEF, was clearly illegal . "It would have prevalidated the different positions and positions that he occupies in the RFEF, as a member of the board of directors, in the Riojana Federation as president, and in the Mutuality as advisor, to propitiate that these three entities carry out insurance policy contracts with Helvetia ", summarize the researchers.

At this time the Civil Guard also accuses the vice president of the RFEF, Antonio Suárez Santana, of illegally diverting federal funds to enrich his right hand in the Canary Federation . As with Alonso, Rubiales has defended his current number two, despite the accusations of the Judicial Police, whose reports caused, however, the dismissal of the former vice president of the RFEF and predecessor of Suárez Santana, Andreu Subíes , for diverting half a million euros to become a restaurant and a home.

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  • Luis Rubiales
  • soccer

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