Hanna Falk will not compete this season. The sprint star may instead follow the World Cup contests from the couch after recently operating her back.

- I have had a back problem for a few years, but last autumn it increased and at the end of December it became a hernia. Then it was time to do something about it and the recommendations I was given were to operate. Partly for my life after my career but also for coming back to skiing, says the 30-year-old.

Have started rehab training

Although she still has problems with mobility in her back, rehab training has already started.

- I felt I could do this, start from scratch and work my way up. When it has ripped in my back, I have been thinking about how much I have left to give, but did not feel that I should give up. Now I am without skiing and then I feel that I am not done yet. I want to go a few more years and the new back means I can withstand the load that is required.

"Now I'm on the bottom"

She hopes to be back and feel on the ski tracks in February - but it won't be any competition this season.

- Now I'm on the bottom. Whether you are an elite athlete or not, such a big operation takes place on the body. You lie there as a package in the beginning and you have to work day by day to get stronger. The road back has just begun. It will take time before you are fully chopped into skiing.

- The focus is to be 100 in May.

What do you miss the most?

- Both to be out in nature and my training buddies. To be part of the gang.

Follow Hanna Falk on acupuncture: "Will try to get a pain path"

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Follow Hanna Falk on acupuncture: "Will try to get a pain path"