The Russian beach soccer team created the biggest sensation of the tournament by defeating the national team of Brazil in the semi-finals of the World Cup. Wards of Mikhail Likhachev were inferior with a difference of two goals, but managed to not only win back, but also to snatch victory. The author of the last two goals was Kirill Romanov.

It is worth noting that domestic athletes are no longer the first to win pentacampions in the world championship. The last time the teams crossed at the championship of the planet 2015 and also at the stage of quarter finals. The Russians prevailed with a score of 6: 5, and the outcome was decided only in extra time. Subsequently, the Likhachev team won bronze medals.

But the most memorable confrontation with the Brazilians dates back to 2011. Then the teams met in the finals and scored 20 times for two. Dmitry Shishin and the company were more accurate and won with a score of 12: 8, for the first time in history, winning gold medals in competitions.

According to the head coach of the Russian national team, he believed in success, despite the fact that the wards of Gilberto Da Costa were considered clear favorites, as evidenced by their confident performance at the group stage. Latinos scored nine points and scored 29 goals.

“I understood that they would underestimate them due to the fact that due to disqualification, the match was missed by Paporny and Makarov. And it was very striking. It seems to me that tactically we completely outplayed them. Of course, thanks to the courage of the guys, the fantastic performance of Maxim Chuzhkov, today we have a chance to win. I am very happy for the guys, especially for those who first passed the test of such a high level and tremendous tension in such a tournament. We are great fellows, but the hardest is ahead of us, ”Likhachev quoted the press service of the Russian Football Union (RFU).

Surely, the coach meant such players as Ostap Fedorov, who first performed in the quarterfinals of the world championship.

“Very decent for a debut. Only one mistake comes to mind. In other moments, he looked fine, ”said the specialist.

The mentor told how his wards managed to win back from the score 1: 3 and drew parallels between the quarterfinal match with Brazil and the final meeting of the group stage with Belarus. Then domestic athletes also made a comeback.

“When there is a two-goal difference in beach soccer, it’s important not to miss more, but it’s also desirable to score. There were times when Chuzhkov helped out, and then a beautiful goal happened. This match turned out to be similar to the game with Belarus, but according to the scenario, and not the character, ”the coach added.

The mentor also spoke about the confrontation with Brazil and admitted which of the victories over the pentacampones is the most unforgettable for him.

“Today we beat Brazil for the eighth time. I think that in addition to these defeats, she generally lost only five times. The most valuable is the first success in the final of the 2011 World Cup. He still stands apart in beach soccer. Today's victory will be included in the golden fund of Russian beach soccer. This is unequivocal, ”concluded Likhachev.

One of the main characters can safely be called Dmitry Shishin. 33-year-old veteran of the Russian national team chalked up a goal, and also acted as an assistant in the winning streak episode.

“In addition to relatives, friends and those who were sitting in the stands, nobody really believed in us. But the guys proved that we still should not be written off. Crazy motivation and dedication. Each fought for each other. This is a well-deserved victory. Brazilians have probably underestimated a bit. They thought they would come out now, they would score a bag of goals, after the sleeves. But it turned out the other way around, ”the athlete admitted.

He also recalled the absence of Arthur Paportny and Alexei Makarov from the disqualified team, and also spoke about the mood of the team.

“In the morning, some kind of fire was visible in everyone’s eyes - that we believe in victory, we can beat Brazil,” said Shishin.

According to the football player, one of the success factors could be the time of the meeting.

“They acclimatized, rolled into this heat, because before that they played twice at two in the afternoon. Probably more used to it. The Brazilians went out in the evenings when there was no sun. It was on hand for us, ”concluded Shishin.

Anton Shkarin, captain and record holder of the Russian national team in the number of matches, also noted the opponent’s mood problems and admitted that he did not see any similarities between the last meeting and the 2015 quarter-finals.

“Completely different matches in their mood and history. In 2015, there was a completely different team. At that time, we were not much inferior. It seems to me that today the Brazilians could not tune in, concentrate. There was no team. We won thanks to teamwork. Of course, one to one they are stronger than all on the planet. But when they are not tuned, a chance arises, ”said Shkarin.

The captain admitted that in the end, luck was on the side of the Russian athletes, and “goalkeepers worked miracles.” At the same time, he expressed the hope that he could be noted for productive actions in the remaining meetings. So, in a duel with Brazil, he chalked up an assist.

“We never repeat. We had preparations with Senegal. To Belarus, Brazil too. We’ll come up with something for the semifinal, ”the athlete concluded.

Unlike stellar partners, Romanov only becomes a full-fledged leader of the Russian team. According to him, this match was the second strength of the national team, which he spent from beginning to end.

“They understood the difficult situation we were in, so we gave all our strength and emotions. They were just the team they were striving for, they still wanted to find after the same meeting with the UAE. We must pay tribute to all the guys, today everyone fought, tried. I think this is one of the best games. But the most interesting is ahead, ”the author of the take expressed his opinion.

It is worth noting that the winning goal in the performance of Romanov turned out to be a sight for sore eyes. At the time of the strike on Shishin's goal, he turned his back to the goal, but managed to react and heeled the ball into the net.

“I thought I would just correct it, but then the thought flashed that on the contrary I was knocking out (the ball. - RT ) from the alignment. But it didn’t work out that way. I really wanted it right, but it turned out lightly into a corner. Therefore, all the same, good luck, ”concluded Romanov.

In the semifinals, the Russian team will meet with the national team of Italy, which turned out to be stronger than Switzerland in the quarterfinals. The last time the teams met in the qualification of the championship of the planet. Wards Likhachev left the opponent no chance, gaining the upper hand with a score of 7: 1