Not many people remember. But in the shadow of André Myhrer's Olympic gold, the northbound Kristoffer Jakobsen broke through when he drove home a seventh place in the Pyeongchang 2018 slalom.

But instead of following up the Olympic success and getting into the top 30 in the ranking, he suffered a complicated foot injury in the next competition in Kranjska Gora.

- The slightest twist in the foot and it was extreme pain, says Kristoffer Jakobsen to SVT Sport.

A ligament in the foot had completely released and the doctors had to cut a notch in the outer leg to fix it again.

- The scene slipped very badly and it became extremely inflamed. Every day was a war, he says, and tells of the decision, despite the pain, to continue running last season.

- This is an injury that takes time. At the same time, I was so close to the top 30, but it was really at the limit. So in hindsight I might have rested instead.

Now the pain in the foot is finally gone and Jakobsen can focus for the first time on the joy.

- I don't know anything in the riding anymore and that's what is so wonderfully beautiful, he says and bursts into a wide smile.

See Jacobsen's super-finish - and pirate over the finish line in Levi:

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Kristoffer Jakobsen. Photo: TT