In August, Rissveds won a World Cup competition for the first time since the 2016 gold medal. The tears ran.

- Two years ago I did not want to live and now I stand as a winner. I just want to say to everyone, don't give up, she said in an emotional interview.

Now the bike star tells Dagens Nyheter about the fight to get healthy.

She describes the victory in Switzerland this summer as a "giant step". That she again managed to push herself so far.

"A feeling I had been missing"

- I know that when I get my full capacity, I will be there, whether I want to or not. When I could only find myself in it, I felt so very strong and I could go on and on and on and on and could completely empty my body. It was a feeling I had been missing, she tells DN.

- I have received such a receipt that I do not need to see myself as depressed and a person suffering from mental ill health anymore, because I have proven that I do not do it anymore. It is a sense of freedom. It has been absolutely fantastic.

The entire interview can be read in Dagens Nyheter here.

Archive: Jenny Rissveds: "Two years ago I did not want to live" (August 11, 2019)

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Jenny Rissveds: "The circle is closed" Photo: Red Bull-TV