The home team did not start any further, who slackened in their own zone and went on a backward goal after just over a minute.

But Detroit got up quickly and signed up just a few minutes later. And then it was time for the new acquisition Robby Fabbri - three from St. Louis on Wednesday in exchange for Swedish Jacob de la Rose - to step into the action.

In his first match for his new club, he shot two goals almost identically. Both were direct shots from the castle on the pass from Tyler Bertuzzi. The teammates showed samples of fine chemistry and have actually played together before during the youth years in the OHL.

Two assists by the goalkeeper

Detroit eventually won by 4-2, thanks in part to goalkeeper Jonathan Bernier who had two assists (!) And saved 26 of 28 shots. Including a delicious sideline move when point and shooting coach David Pastrnak was left completely unmarked at the far post.

Fabbri was named the match's leader in the home team.

- It boosts self-confidence, he says afterwards.

Detroit coach Jeff Blashill welcomes the new addition.

- We are not very good at the shooting percentage so far during the season and he seems to be a guy who can shoot. But we can't expect two goals at a time, he says.