- Of course, it would have been a good challenge to be involved and end the year by competing with the US. But Peter and I landed in that the best thing for the moment is that I stay home from camp to continue strengthening the body at home for the next season, says Caroline Seger in a press release.

Caroline Seger who was injured in the fall but just got back into play for Rosengård will not follow the national team to this year's last national team camp to be played in the US, Columbus.

No replacement is included

- Caroline missed our last European qualifying matches but came back and played during the season finale with Rosengård. We talked to him last Friday and agreed that she stays home from the US trip. In this way, Caroline will have the opportunity to continue to build her body in the best possible way for next year, says the associate captain Peter Gerhardsson.

Sweden will not pick in any replacement for Seger.

The match against the United States will be played at 01:30 the night against Thursday November 8 Swedish time.