Team captain Magdalena Eriksson may be considered to have been the most important target of the two. The center-back, as she is in Chelsea, sent the decisive 2-1 goal in the league cup away to Lewes, thus sending Chelsea further into the tournament.

Eriksson got a cross against her and after a little turbulence in the penalty area she got her foot on the ball and into the goal behind Faye Baker.

- Incredibly nice with a strong start to the season where we are so far unbeaten. Now it's all about continuing to work hard and perform. The season is long and we are hungry for titles this year, says Magdalena Eriksson to Sportbladet.

Wendt buddy with Thuram

Jonna Andersson was substituted for Chelsea.

Oscar Wendt's goals were also important. Wendt slipped from his left back position and was released by Marcus Thuram to open goal, where he made no mistake.

The goal was 1-0 in a match that ended 2-1 and thus continued the series lead. The decision was just for Marcus Thuram - Marcus Thuram, of course the son of Lilian Thuram.