Brooklyn Nets player Kevin Durant has said he would like to play his final year before retiring "at FC Barcelona ", as he considers the Euroleague to be "the second best league in the world" and the games seem "quite fun" , although he maintains that for now it is only a dream.

"I want to play abroad my last year, at FC Barcelona. I would like to. I would do it, one of these days. The Euroleague is the second best league in the world and the games seem quite fun. But, shit, right now I'm just at home, on the couch, watching television , dreaming. I don't know for sure if I will, but it would be great to experience it, "said the Spanish international Serge Ibaka in the United States television program and is called 'How Hungry are you?

The NBA champion with the Golden State Warriors , who continues to retire after breaking the Achilles tendon last season, just before signing for the Nets for that new course, did not hesitate to talk about his new challenges and admitted that he has won "so many things so fast" that now just think of "getting more".

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