It was in Killington, USA, during the second slalom accident that the accident occurred and Estelle Alphand sustained an ankle fracture. Operation was required and the fight against the World Cup started.

But there was no World Cup in February, even though it was really close that she started.

- Oh, it was really tight but it was better not to drive because then I had lost my ranking. But I wasn't quite ready either.

Comeback in the most difficult hill

Alphand switched national team from France to Sweden two years ago. Last year she was 13th in the Finnish Levi's slalom premiere but went out in both Sölden and both races in Killington.

Now she is making a comeback in the world cup's most difficult big slalom slope, the slope in Sölden.

- I was really scared last year. I had back pain and it was so beaten. It was really tough, she says, and continues:

- It is important to be calm and not focus on everything around.

You will see the first ride for the ladies in SVT1 from 09.50.
The men's race with, among others, Matts Olsson you see the same time on Sunday.

In total, seven Swedes are competing this weekend: Estelle Alphand, Magdalena Fjällström, Jonna Luthman, Sara Hector, Mattias Rönngren, Matts Olsson and Kristoffer Jakobsen.

SVT Sport explains: How steep is a steep really?

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How steep is the slope?