• Sentence. 13 years to Junqueras by sedition and between nine and 12 to the rest of the incarcerated
  • Last minute. CDRs call "disobedience"

The FC Barcelona has criticized the sentence against the leaders of the 'procés' when considering that "the jail is not the solution" and has returned to demand "dialogue". In a statement, the board of Josep Maria Bartomeu argues that "in the same way that pretrial detention did not help resolve the conflict, neither will the prison issued today, because jail is not the solution."

The Catalan club, which since 2014 was positioned for the "right to decide" and the holding of a referendum, is defined as "one of the reference entities of Catalonia" and according to its historical trajectory, gives its assessment to the ruling from the "defense of freedom of expression"

"The resolution of the conflict that Catalonia is experiencing is exclusively through political dialogue. Therefore, now more than ever, the club asks all policy makers to lead a process of dialogue and negotiation to resolve this conflict," he says. Finally, Barça has sympathized with "the families of those who are deprived of their freedom".

Like the Catalan club, Girona FC has issued a statement expressing its rejection of the ruling. "The judicialization of the conflict will not resolve the situation, which requires a political solution," said the red-and-white entity, which is committed to "opening a process of dialogue and negotiation between all parties, without limits or conditions."

"This process, which should be led by the country's institutions, must also include the release of convicted civic leaders and politicians, unjustly imprisoned for two years," the letter concludes.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • FC Barcelona
  • Girona FC
  • sports
  • football
  • Catalonia independence

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