The football channel was able to reveal two weeks ago that a merger of LB07 and Malmö FF could become a reality next season. The next day the clubs made the news official and the players were informed during a meeting.

- I think it sounds very positive for both parties. There will be better conditions for LB07's ladies and their youth teams while MFF can have a broader youth business and a women's team at the highest level, says midfielder Mia Persson to SVT Sport.

- I don't see anything bad about it, says Nathalie Hoff Persson.

"Strange that people are saying badly in social media"

The club also announced that all communications would go through the chairman and that players would not be allowed to talk about the merger proposal. But on Monday, players Nathalie Hoff Persson and Chandra Bednar spoke for the first time in the Southern Sweden.

When SVT Sport gets hold of Nathalie Hoff Persson and Mia Persson on Wednesday are both positive, but at the same time it is a pity if the supporters are not on the same line.

- It's sad if the supporters feel they don't want this. At the same time, there is not much you can do about it, ”says Hoff Persson.

- I just think it's weird that people are saying badly in social media. I can buy good views, but unfortunately that is not what you look out on the internet, Mia Persson.

Nathalie Hoff Persson. Stock Photography. Photo: BILDBYRÅN

The message of a possible merger between the teams was met by criticism from Malmö FF's supporter association MFF Support, who said that a club can not just take over another club, its history, successes and shirt color.

Members will vote

Extra annual meetings are planned this fall to allow the members of Malmö FF and LB07 to take a position on the issue.

- It feels like it's 50/50 if it gets lost. It's sad if it doesn't, but then the clubs have shown what they want, says Mia Persson.

With four games left to play, LB07 lies just above the relegation line with a three-point margin down to chasing Djurgården.

- We have a good flow but it is still tight and it is clear that it is tense, says Hoff Persson and continues:

- Now it is time to perform, there is nothing to wait for. It's just taking points.