“More possibilities open in the rain”

- When was the last time you were in Sochi?

- A year ago, here at the race.

- But do not fly to relax, swim here?

- No. I rest closer to home, to the base in Monaco.

- In the qualification possible rain. Is this an advantage for you?

“I wish he went on Sunday.” And on Saturday ... We know that I will start last, because we had to change the engine. Since this is the fourth or fifth motor, then most likely I will start the race last. Therefore, the emphasis is more on the Sunday race. It would be interesting if the weather intervened. Rain is not my thing, everyone drives well in the rain in Formula 1. But when you start last, a little more opportunities open before you in the rain.

- The fact that you start last, you upset?

- The motor was junking with us, we knew that sooner or later it would have to be changed. We are doing it now, as soon as possible, in order to have fresh engines for the last five races. They are very important, we fight for high positions in the Cup of designers and want to earn as many points as possible.

- It’s not a shame that you have to sacrifice the home stage?

- In a sense, yes, but we must not forget that in Sochi one of the most convenient routes for overtaking of those that remained on the calendar. If you change the motor, it is better here.

- Does the home track help or hinder you?

- Neither one nor the other. When you get in the car, then it does not matter to you. There is a track, turns, you try to drive them as best as possible. Off the track - yes, it helps. I feel support, I am pleased to see that motorsport is developing in Russia. Compared to when I started racing, motorsport and racing have grown very much.

- If you were a spectator, what place would you take at Sochi Autodrom?

- Most likely, the second turn after the first long straight line, where there is the first braking. Naturally, his rostrum. Another 13th turn, a bunch of chicane - hairpin. It is also interesting there, it is easy to make a mistake and sometimes there is a struggle.

- And what about your pilot's favorite places?

- Every year the track changes. You see the same track, but it is changing. Asphalt, traction, machine, settings - everything changes every year. We seem to be coming to the same track, but the car is already a different sensation. Every time you seek your limit and your machine again. Some turns are better, you can work on them over the weekend.

“In addition to Formula 1, I don’t see the future”

“Do you agree that you have become a different, calmer pilot?”

- I do not think about it on the track. I managed to spend a year outside the race, perhaps think something over, look from a different perspective, even relax and return my passion for racing. This season it is possible to squeeze the maximum out of itself and the car more often, it has become more pleasant to work.

- What result will be good on Sunday?

- We will try to advance as far as possible, despite the fine. We will try to get closer to the spectacle zone as much as possible. But it will do all the riders, so it will not be easy. When you start automatically last, the task is very complicated. If I earn points, it will be an excellent result.

- When will you finish your career and where would you like to try yourself besides Formula 1?

- I would like to stay as long as it will be interesting, while the soul burns for this. In something other than Formula 1, I do not see my future. Last year I was not interested in anything except her. Rally raids, for example, are a completely different discipline. You can try anything, but reaching a competitive level will not be easy. It's like boxing and MMA.

- You follow football, who is closer to you - Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi?

- I do not watch so carefully and have not played for a long time. I love this game, but football is still very traumatic. If you choose the best, then Francesco Totti.

- Does paternity give you extra strength on the track?

- These are two different things. When I'm on the road, I focus on work. When at home, I become a family man. It has no direct effect on my career.

“How does your morning on race day begin?”

- I wake up, do exercises, warm up. Then breakfast on the track. In general, it does not differ much from the rest of the days, only I communicate more with engineers. Sunday is not much different from Friday or Saturday.

- Athletes have trouble sleeping due to competition. Have you had to deal with this?

- I did not have such big problems. It used to be that I couldn’t get enough sleep as much as I wanted. But when you get into the car, then the adrenaline closes everything and immediately wakes up.

“There is enough fast driving on the track”

- In the future you plan to move to another team?

- I do not plan transfers. I stay in the Red Bull system and the last thing I heard is that I stay in Toro Rosso. But everything is constantly changing, so I do not know. I would wait until December.

- If they call in Red Bull, agree?

- Yes, of course, when you are offered to go to a team whose performance is higher, then you should not think about it twice. But decisions are made by certain people, and there are specific factors that affect them. Therefore, you need to wait. I will do my best for my future choice. Now I'm a Toro Rosso racer and doing my best here. I feel great in this team, we had a podium, and we are happy together.

- Are you able to meet with your relatives during constant trips?

- It works out, but for a couple of days, no more. Now there will be many long flights, in the second half of the season there is very little time for anything.

- How do you feel about the idea of ​​expanding the calendar?

- We'll see. At some point, we will feel the limit of racing. Now people feel that we are getting close to this. It is important to find the right balance between quantity and quality.

- How will you have time to relax if there are 25 races per season?

- In theory, we should do everything.

- What do you think about the transfer of the Russian Grand Prix from Sochi to St. Petersburg?

- Maybe it's a good idea to have the race take place where more spectators could visit it. Fans from St. Petersburg and Moscow, from Europe, especially from Finland, where motorsport is popular, will be able to come. Everything is great in Sochi, but if the race can be made even better, then why not?

- How do you drive a regular car?

- I drive very calmly, there is no hurry, even when I am late. I take it as a fact, I'm just late.

“Can you climb under the hood or are you calling someone else?”

- It depends on the car. Once I had a tire puncture, I myself changed it on the highway. This was the first time, for a long time actually changed. I thought of calling someone, but decided that I had everything for this. Although it’s still easier to give the car to the service, it’s more reliable.

- In ordinary life, prefer fast cars?

- I want a little power, but I won’t say that something special is needed on public roads. I have enough fast ride on the highway.

- Do you want to learn a motorcycle?

- No, no, I'm not very confident on it, especially when around the car. On the track I prefer a car.

- Which track on the calendar do you like best?

- First you select some tracks. And now I would call those on which your car is fast. If we are quick in Sochi, then she will be loved.