Change of physiognomy of a Tour with Slovenian aroma. The straight lines and the sinuous curves relieved the brutal inclinations of Los Machucos. Windswept coastal roads in favor, Oviedo road, ambush zone suitable for stage hunters, riders and sprinters. Opportunity for meritorious before facing the last leg of an open round to uncertainty. Place for Sam Bennett to exhibit his cunning and speed tip in a chaotic ending, with a massive drop when the sprint was launched. Among the victims, Valverde and Pogacar, without serious consequences. The Irish took advantage of the confusion of the montonera to accelerate and present only in the goal of the Asturian capital. The Bora runner can already boast two wins in the Spanish round.

In the vicinity of the city of Oviedo that usual battle of the transition days was witnessed in which the candidates for the podium, such as Roglic , Pogacar or Valverde, tried to reserve energy and the secondary sought that notoriety that they achieved in the least possible occasions. Moments for own and group promotion. Valuable television sequences that can justify a season or promote the arrival of new sponsors, which is what the brave Euskadi Murias of Jon Odriozola pursues.

He started the stage with a escape set at kilometer 10 and composed of Puccio , Dillier , Rossetto , Vanhoucke , Pibernik and Diego Rubio . A lot of merit for the giant of Giant, born in Navaluenga 28 years ago and trained in the quarry of Victor Sastre . More minutes of publicity for the modest Burgos BH.

The platoon, with favorable travel, controlled the leak with periscope, without allowing the leak to achieve a distance greater than two minutes. At the exit of San Vicente de la Barquera, Colombian Fernando Gaviria promised his director Josean Fernández Matxin that he would give him the stage victory, but could not fulfill his wish. He only has the opportunities left at the arrival of Guadalajara and Toledo.

The teams of the sprinters simmered the escapes, which were neutralized in the vicinity of Oviedo, just four kilometers from the finish line. There began a war of nerves between the riders that had its climax in the fall, less than a kilometer from the goal. Among the most disadvantaged Luka Mezgec , Jorge Cubero and Owain Doull . A scare for the favorites, which tomorrow will appear, in a complicated end, with the closing of the top of El Acebo.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Burgos
  • Guadalajara
  • Toledo
  • Primoz Roglic

Tour of SpainRoglic and Pogacar devastate Los Machucos

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