It was last winter that the rider, who competes at the elite level but did not participate in the European Championships this summer, got stuck in a test that showed an alcohol content of 1.58 per thousand.

She was indicted for gross drunk driving and has now been sentenced to one month in prison. A judge who will be appealed, tells the rider for SVT Sport.

- We are obviously a little disappointed and will appeal against the verdict.


- As the lawyer looks at it technically, it is on the upper part of the scale of punishment in relation to what has happened, and the mitigating circumstances that exist are not taken into account. But the thing is what the thing is, and it's obviously a tragedy and terribly awful.

Stopped by guard

The former championship rider tells them that they have been with the family and eaten dinner.

- Then I would park the car, and what happens is that under the influence of alcohol I back the car five meters. A guard stops me and calls the police.

How do you view it as you did?

- I regret it so clearly today. It's been a long time now. But it is terrible and has quite far-reaching consequences in the sports betting I do, in my work and for the family.

Stay in the competition

SVT Sport has been in contract with the equestrian association, whose press officer announces that the rider will not be taken out in the national team during the time the penalty is served. Then a discussion will be taken.

And the rider tells himself that there will be no competition at all in the near future.

- Right now we probably put the training and the business at home, and the competition is put on ice until we know what is going on with the verdict.