• Chronicle.Leclerc resists wear on his tires and ties his first F1 win

As much as the safety of the cars increases, however much effort is put to improve the circuits, the protocols of action in dangerous situations, the penalties to the pilots for risk maneuvers, however much they fight to avoid it there will always be accidents in the motor world and from time to time there will be serious injuries and deaths. Less and less, as fewer and fewer planes fall or space travel is exponentially safer than when man first stepped on the Moon. However, there will always be a gap, a crack, a concatenation of events that causes something unforeseen, something dramatic.

We have to live with it, we have to accept it if we really want the races to continue more or less as we like them. If we want old school circuits, curves that pose a challenge, duels between pilots at 340 kilometers per hour with racing cars with engines of more than a thousand horsepower. We have to accept that in order to continue the sport that is our passion from time to time we will have to pay a toll. This time it was the death of Anthoine Hubert , who of course was the one who paid the highest price. However, he died living his dream and that, in addition to a tragedy is a privilege.

And everything continues because the death of someone does not stop the world, although it makes the lives of those who remain somewhat bitter. In Spa that pain was shared and although there is no device that can measure it, the faces of Pierre Gasly , Esteban Ocon or Charles Leclerc reflected its intensity quite clearly. It was bad luck for the Monegasque to win his first Formula 1 race the day after losing one of his friends. He had coincided with him in the first race he had played in his life and then together, with many others they had made the road chasing their dreams, each at different speeds.

Leclerc did not celebrate the victory even though he became a No. 39 Ferrari driver in winning a Formula 1 grand prize and being the youngest to win it for the red team. He did not celebrate it despite the fact that it was Ferrari's first victory this year and despite the fact that with his perfect weekend he showed that the present and the future of the Italian team belong to him. He defeated Sebastian Vettel in the classification for the sixth time in a row; He got ahead of the German in duels won this year and showed in the race that he had much more pace than him. It was not an easy final because nothing this year can be simple for Ferrari and crossed the finish line with the shadow of Lewis Hamilton who lacked a lap to snatch the victory. If Vettel had not accepted the first order to let his partner pass, if he had not succeeded in stopping Hamilton for a few laps, Leclerc's victory would have vanished. Seb , this time, it was a good squire. The Ferrari runs a lot on the straight thanks to its engine and especially its aerodynamic efficiency, but degrades the tires more than its enemies. In Austria, this same red car disease cost Charles the victory in the absence of two laps, this time he managed to ask for the time.

The victory is a bit of hydrogen peroxide in a wound that needs stitches, but it will be good to face the Italian Grand Prix this week. The situation will be even better for Ferrari because in Monza there are more straight and less curves than in Spa. Mercedes will be put into energy saving mode to minimize damage. The next seven races will play in your favor.

The hero of the race, who was chosen best driver of the day, was curiously one that did not end: Lando Norris . It was the icing on a bitter birthday cake for McLaren. The day Carlos Sainz turned 25, the Spaniard left in the first lap with a motor that failed and his partner left in the last with an engine that said enough. It happened after shooting fifth from the start and after demonstrating a pace that not even the most optimistic in McLaren expected. Perhaps the only positive of a black weekend.

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  • Ferrari
  • McLaren
  • Sebastian Vettel
  • Pierre Gasly
  • Lewis Hamilton
  • Lando Norris
  • Charles Leclerc
  • Carlos Sainz
  • Formula 1
  • sports
  • GP Belgium F1

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