A violent crash of 270 kilometers per hour occurred during the Formula 2 race at the Belgian track Spa on Saturday. Later in the evening, the International Motor Sports Association, FIA, announced that one of the drivers, 22-year-old Frenchman Anthoine Hubert, had died.

- Renault Sport Racing is devastated that we have lost one of our most brilliant talents, the F1 team wrote.

The crash already occurred on the second lap of the Formula 2 race on the Spa Course. Frenchman Hubert and American Juan Manuel Correa, who have contracted with Alfa Romeo, crashed violently into the barrier at high speed. Marino Sato was also involved but he could walk off the track for his own machine.

The mother was comforted by the F1 driver

Sunday's scheduled F1 race was canceled. Instead, a silent minute was held to honor Hubert. His brother and mother were there, holding his helmet together in what were strong scenes.

The mother was comforted by Ferrari's F1 driver Cheles Leclerc, who today posted a picture on Instagram of him and Hubert from their junior days.

Formula 2 is a sub-series to the more well-known Formula 1 circus and runs its course on the same tracks.

A silent minute will also be kept ahead of today's F1 race.