• Premier Schedules of the third day
  • Classification: Liverpool and Arsenal, leaders

David Silva prepares to play his 400 game with Manchester City . It will be Sunday, against Bournemouth, on the third day of the Premier. The canary, 33, arrived in England in 2010, and his coach, Pep Guardiola , admitted that at first he thought he would not survive in the elite of English football.

"You can play a good season, but he has done it for 10 seasons, it is something almost incredible. My biggest congratulations. For all the fans of the City, and for me included, it is a privilege (to count on Silva)," said Guardiola. "He is one of the smartest players I've ever seen . He is really good at moving in small spaces, one of the best," he said.

The Catalan coach admitted that the characteristics of Silva, who landed in the Premier from Valencia, made him think that it would cost him to adapt to English football. "He is a low player, not a player to go from area to area, and because of the image I had of England from the outside I thought I was going to have a bad time. Fortunately, I was wrong," he said.

"That was my first impression. But only at the beginning ... He has played well with all the coaches, Roberto (Mancini), Manuel (Pellegrini) and with us," he recalled.

Silva was elected to succeed Belgian Vincent Kompany as captain of Manchester City, a decision taken collectively by the first team squad. "He is a normal boy. He has a lot of experience and knows exactly what the team needs, what he has to do," said the Catalan coach.

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  • sports
  • football
  • Premier League
  • Manchester City
  • Pep Guardiola
  • David Silva

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