Angels Otani Home Run for the first time in 22 days No. 16 August 19 8:55

Major League Baseball Angels Shohei Otani started the game against White Sox on the 18th and hit the home run of this season's No. 16 for the first time in 22 days.

On the 18th, Otani played in the White Sox match held at the home base of Anaheim on the 18th and was the first hitter for the first time in two matches.

The first batting at the first time is the second ball aiming at the first ball, the second at the third batting is a 1 out and the second base, the timing of the changing ball is not synchronized, and the third strike at the fifth batting is a light fly by hitting the changing ball have become.

Then, at the 4th batter at the first bout of seven points with a 4-point lead, he caught the sixth cut ball thrown by the second left pitcher and hit the center with a to-run home run of No. 16 this season.

Otani's home run is 22 days since July 27th.

Otani came out with 8 hits at the first infield, hitting the infield to hit the first, and this game increased to 2 hits and 2 hits in 5 hits, increasing his continuous game hit to “9”, the highest number in the league, with a batting average of 20% 9 I went up to 9 km.

The game will be Angels winning 9-2 and winning two games in a row.