Juvenile A of FC Barcelona did not play today for the third and fourth place of the Otten Cup that was played in Eindovheen. And everything has responded to a decision made by his coach Víctor Valdés , who did not think it convenient for his team to play a game in which the physical integrity of his players was endangered.

"Barça has not played the third and fourth place of the Otten Cup for the high number of injured players because of the intensity of the tournament, which made it impossible to present a team in conditions without jeopardizing the health of athletes," he said. Barça indicated in a statement published in the official Twitter account of La Masía.

The exporter was not happy with the rest times offered by the organization between matches, and wanted to avoid both muscle injuries and heart problems among the members of his staff. This has been reflected in another message issued through his Instagram account, in which he has made it clear that the responsibility for this decision is solely his.

See this post on Instagram

"I have made the personal decision as the maximum responsible for my group of players, not to play the game that would decide the 3rd or 4th classified of the Otten Cup tournament this morning. My decision is based solely on safeguarding the health of my young players , we are not they agree with the organization regarding the rest times between games and matches, "said the three-time European champion in the first squad of Barcelona.

"Without more, I mean that given the high risk of injury to my workforce, or something more serious at the cardiac level that could occur if I did not make this decision, I assume all the guilt and responsibility for what this may have generated. Let's look more for the players and the show, for the moment, in my opinion, that has not prevailed, but I will always protect mine regardless of the consequences, "added Valdés.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • Football
  • FC Barcelona B

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