Mountain biking slopestyle is decided on a course with several big jumps where the riders get points for the difficulty in their tricks. The Crankworx Mountain Biking Competition can be likened to a World Cup, visiting Canadian Whistler this weekend, the tour's ending and absolute highlight.

Missed much of last year's season

Emil Johansson came to Whistler without winning any of the previous Crankworx competitions in slopestyle but today the Swede was in the mood. After his two runs, Johansson had amassed a total score of 95.75 and won before his home son Brett Rheeder who got 94.50. Johansson, who won the slopestyle World Cup 2017, has missed much of the last few seasons after illness and injury absence but is now back with his first win ever.

- It's been really tough. Last season I came here without sitting on the bike for ten months but still managed to get a ride together. Now I felt stronger than ever. "I'm super-tagged," Johansson said after the race.

Sweden also had another winner in Whistler. Martin Söderström was the fastest of all in the speed and style branch that can be compared to parallel slalom.