After Lina Strand's first stretch, Sweden looked to go for gold with Tove Alexandersson and Karolin Ohlsson on the two final stretches.

When Strand switched to Alexandersson, the world star had 44 seconds down to second-placed Switzerland.

But while Simona Aebersold, who took silver yesterday, went like a rocket out in the woods, Alexandersson had a heavier day.

When switching, Sweden was skipped by six seconds. Afterwards, Alexandersson testified about how tough she had been on her journey.

- I was nauseous from the start. I was just trying to get through the race and focus on the orientation and not do away with it. Felt like I started the race where I finished yesterday. It was hard. I was still nauseous, she tells SVT Sport.

However, Karolin Ohlsson managed to catch Julia Jakob's lead and Sweden managed to win the gold. Russia became third.