The victorious return of Zidane

Real Madrid fans might finally be relieved. Zinedine Zidane in his first match after returning to the post of head coach returned the team to victory rails. Madrid at home beat “Seltu” with a score of 2: 0.

Zidane did not reinvent the wheel and in his 150th match at the head of Real Madrid, he relied on those players whom he preferred at the time of annual triumphs in the Champions League. Kaylor Navas returned to the gates, Marcelo got on the defensive, and Isco entered the starting lineup for the first time since October. Together with him was Gareth Bale, to whom Zidane earlier reluctantly devoted playing time.

All these four stood for the old new coach - Navas managed to defend to zero, and Isco and Bale were marked with goals scored. Interestingly, the previous match of Zidane at the Santiago Bernabéu also took place against Celta and developed according to exactly the same scenario, but in the end there were three times more goals. Interestingly, both then and now Cristiano Ronaldo did not play for Real.

The victory over Celta not only returned to the fans of Madrid faith in a better future, but also improved the team standings. On the same day, Atletico lost to the Champions League and lost to Real Madrid by two points in the standings. Examples. Zidane's charges have a chance if not to catch up with Barcelona, ​​then at least become its closest pursuer in the season.

Apologies for reaching the semi-finals

Manchester City reached the semifinals of the World Cup following a dramatic match against Swansea on its territory. The Welsh did their best to present a sensation and beat out the leader of the Premier League. By the 29th minute, they led with a score 2: 0 - first, Matt Grimes realized a penalty shootout at Ederson, and then a combination of ten passes was completed by Bersant Celina - the same player who recently mocked football fans with awkward penalty execution.

But the wards of Josep Guardiola managed to save the meeting in the last 20 minutes before the final whistle. One goal was otkvital Bernanrdu Silva, after which the penalty was implemented by assisting him Sergio Aguero, although in the end this ball was recorded as an own goal goalkeeper. The match could well have ended in a draw, but in the 88th minute Silva gave Aguero a pass offside, after which the Argentine led the “City” forward.

The arbitrator did not notice a violation of the rules and scored a goal. He had no opportunity to check the episode. Although it is allowed to use video replays in the FA Cup, the VAR system is not installed at the Swansea stadium, as it is only allowed to have submarine teams. This unfair situation allowed Manchester City to continue the campaign for the trophy, although the team was not happy about this development. Guardiola even apologized for the fact that this is how his team won.

United flight

If in the Champions League "Manchester City" and "Manchester United" this season can still meet, then in the FA Cup anymore. Wards of Ule-Gunnar Solskher could not beat Wolverhampton in the quarterfinals of the tournament.

Up to the 70th minute, the score remained zero. This was corrected by Raul Jimenez, who plays Wolverhampton on loan. After six minutes, the hosts were already 2-0, and Manchester United had very little time to win. Marcus Rushford otkvital one ball at the fifth minute of the added, but more than Sir Alex could not achieve. Wards Sulscher suffered a second defeat in a row and finished the performance in the FA Cup.

Win-win series "Monaco"

The entire first half of the season, "Monaco", which stands for the Russian football player Alexander Golovin, disappointed his fans. Once one of the best clubs in France suffered one defeat after another and did not leave the relegation zone of League 1. Now the Monegasques have everything under control. After Friday's match with Lille, their win-win series reached seven games, and the drop in class hardly threatens.

Immediately before the meeting, the Monaco fans were cause for concern - because of the discomfort in the hip, Cesc Fabregas could not get out on the field. But Leonard Jardim's wards managed without an experienced midfielder. For almost the entire match, both teams were content with a zero score, until in the 90th minute Jose Fonte's unsuccessful discount resulted in a goal from Vinicius Morais. Golovin was already watching this goal from the bench. “Monaco” won the seventh win of the season and pulled away from the basement of the standings by nine points.

Thriller in Sassuolo

For the most spectacular football matches you need to go not to London or Madrid, but to Italian Sassuolo. For the third time this season, a game took place in this city in which eight goals were scored. This time the scoring feast had to meet with “Sampdoria”.

At the end of the first half, the guests led 3-1. After the break, the hosts managed to respond to each of their next goals with their exact blow, but the Sassuolo players did not eliminate the two goals, losing 3: 5. Interestingly, no one in this match was able to arrange at least a double - all the goals were scored by various players.

Sampdoria, this bright victory allowed to approach at a distance of two points to the European Cup zone. However, the 28th round of the championship in Italy has just begun, and the Genoese can still go back to the middle of the standings.

Irrepressible vegorst

Dutch striker Wout Vegorst will remember for a long time the meeting of his “Wolfsburg” with “Fortuna” in the German Championship. Almost two-meter forward showed that not only Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are able alone to decide the fate of the match. Vegorst scored a hat-trick and made two assists, taking part in all five goals of his team. Of course, the Dutchman had enough effort to win the "Wolfsburg" - his teammates missed only two times.

Vegorst played his phenomenal match in an unusual outfit. Wolfsburg wanted to express its support for the LGBT community and decorate the numbers on the back in iridescent colors, but in the Bundesliga they refused to take such an initiative. Then the main sponsor of the Volkswagen team agreed to temporarily remove their logo so that it would be replaced by a multi-colored circle with the words “Diversity”.