More than eight in ten French say they have a good image of the XV of France, despite its poor results, according to a poll published Thursday two days before the first test-match of the Blues, against South Africa.

That's almost twenty points more (83% against 65%) than the rating of the French football team before its world title in June in Russia, says the institute.

According to this survey conducted on November 6 and 7 and before the Test-match against South Africa, 78% of rugby fans, who say they are "very interested" in the sport, say they trust Jacques Brunel as coach of the XV of France, despite a record of two victories for six defeats since his arrival at the beginning of the year.

Rugby fans are less confident than the general public about the chances of the Blues at the 2019 World Cup in Japan (September 20-November 2), where they were poured into the "chicken of death" (England, Argentina, United States and Tonga): only 52% see them reach the last square, against 61% of French.

Finally, only 12% of rugby fans see the XV of France be crowned world champion in less than a year.

The survey was conducted online on November 6 and 7, 2018, with 1,024 people, according to the quota method (margin of error between 1.4 and 3.1).