Critiano Ronaldo opened the scoring yesterday in the league championship in the match between Juventus and Manchester United. Not only magnificent, this goal of the Portuguese star is also his 121st goal in the Champions League. He has also recently passed the 400 goals in the five major leagues. A real record of which he is the only holder.

Author of the only goal on the Italian side, Cristiano Ronaldo gave us yesterday a real gem. Served by Bonucci, in the 65th minute of a long ball coming from behind, in the surface CR7 volleyed the ball that goes straight into the nets of David De Gea, surprised by the gesture of Ronaldo. Despite this exceptional goal (his 121st goal in the competition), the Portuguese could not prevent the defeat of his team against Manchester United (2-1).

400 goals record

Author of 400 goals in the five major championships, Cristiano Ronaldo was entitled to a special distinction last Saturday, on the sidelines of the victory of Juventus of Turin on Cagliari (3-1). The new Juve striker has received a jersey of the Old Lady flocked 400. The former Madrilenian has exactly scored 402 goals (in 498 games) in his career, including 84 in the Premier League, 311 in Liga and 7 in Serie A.

Nel pre gara di #JuveCagliari, the congratulazioni del Presidente Agnelli at @Cristiano, for superato quota 4 goal (al momento 402) in @SerieA, @LaLiga e @premierleague

- JuventusFC (@juventusfc) November 3, 2018