You were busy this Monday night? No problem, Ouest-France is back with you on the highlights of yesterday. On the breakfast menu to accompany your morning coffee: the Dutch are back in the money-time in Germany, the press conference of Didier Deschamps, Lille who is preparing for the Davis Cup.

The Dutch have shown character to pull the draw

The Dutch came back at the end of the match. Widely dominated for 80 minutes in Germany, the Netherlands qualify for the Final Four. For a long time virtually qualified France will not be at the rendezvous, it was enough to a draw to the Dutch to ensure the first place of the group.

Blueberries held in check at Ornano

In this friendly match between France and Spain among the Espoirs, France was held in check on Ornano's lawn. The Blues have made a good second period that allowed them to pick up the score. The French will now be able to focus on next year and the Euro that is looming.

Deliver the court of the Davis Cup final in 60h

Since the end of France-Argentina, Saturday at 11 pm, Stade Pierre-Mauroy is in turmoil. The goal is to deliver Wednesday's 9 am clay court in the final of the Davis Cup against the Croats Borna Coric. An unlikely challenge and rather risky. If some false rebounds resist Friday at 1 pm, at the start of the singles, not sure that the French will complain. They could indeed disrupt Marin Cilic's early ball catch ...

Lloris in press conference: "We have never been able to come back"

On the eve of the last game of the year for the Blues, coach Didier Deschamps and captain Hugo Lloris came together individually to answer questions from journalists following the worrying defeat of the French Football Team against the Netherlands. Low last Friday. Lloris: " The disappointment is even greater because it fell on a game to challenge.It is difficult to predict this kind of scenario, at any point in the game, we have been able to return." .

++ to a sale of the Stade de France

++ Spain wishing to organize the World 2030

++ It finally scores after 729 days without finding the fault

++ Médard ticket for the match against Fiji

++ Dakar 2019. It's Peru for Romain Leloup