Al Ain Football Club has officially signed financial midfielder Tungo Hamed Dombia for two seasons after the completion of his registration procedures in the team's statements for the 2018 FIFA Club World Cup, wearing the number 3 shirt.

Al Ain announced in its statement today the details related to the status of Robin Rubero, who is still in the process of registering in the list of "leader" world.

Al Ain football club president Ghanem Al-Hajri expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the leadership of Al-Ain club for the generous care and generous support of all the various stages of the game and the reasons for achieving the highest indicators of success and achieving the desired aspirations.

"After the historic reception of the hero of the duo at the Sea Palace, HH Sheikh Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President of the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi, Vice President of the Club and Honorary Council of Al Ain, Chairman of Al Ain Sports and Cultural Club, Rows to seek honorable appearance and to provide the best levels that are consistent with the aspirations of the Ayyubid nation. "

He added: "The time available to the task force assigned to the registration of the players was limited to 48 hours to complete the task, but the Chairman and members of the technical committee of professionalism in coordination with the technical director had made arrangements in advance, namely to identify the technical needs and the best names available in the transfer market during To meet technical requirements, as well as to communicate with their agents directly to see whether the players who have been selected to play during the FIFA Club World Cup can be approved initially, before entering into the details of the contract. "

Al-Hajri continued: "In keeping with the principle of transparency in the light of the latest news about the players' situation and finally informing the fans of the facts, we confirm that the procedures for the arrest of Robin and Dombia began on September 31 last year and in order to optimize the resources and deal with the circumstances, We managed to complete the contract with Dumbia directly but Robin's file is still open. "

He added: "The fact that the team got approval from the Portuguese agent just eight hours before the closing of the registration and the latest developments associated with the file Robin lies in the waiting for the response of the International Federation of Football, which was addressed through our local union and the status of players regarding allowing the club to register the player outside the dates Permitted under the applicable regulations and which excludes the free player during a specified period.

"All the papers prove Al Ain's contract with Rubin as a free player during the period allowed by the rules of the local football federation. The player has a court ruling from the Sporting Court in Portugal and is accredited by the Football Association of his country as a free player and has the right to contract any club."

"Robin has been registered in the preliminary list of participating in the Club World Cup and the legal team in our union is coordinating with the club's legal team and all indicators are on the right track."