Full house

Meetings of “Spartak” and “Zenith” can undoubtedly be called the most popular football event in the country - in the interest and attendance the sports confrontation of the two capitals exceeds the classic “Spartak” - CSKA and the oldest derby of Russia “Spartak” - “Dynamo”. The rush to the game is fixed both in the capital and on the banks of the Neva. It was the arrival of “Spartak” that helped Zenit to set a record of attendance at home matches - on September 2, 2018, 61,467 spectators attended the stadium on Krestovsky Island.

The home stadium of Spartak cannot accommodate such a number of people willing - the arena is smaller, and most of the tickets for the 20th round game were successfully sold during the first hours of sales. According to the stadium ticket services, the game is expected to be sold out, empty seats will remain only in the buffer zone that separates red-and-white fans from guests from St. Petersburg. Themselves as fans of "Zenith" at the "Discovery Arena" expect almost four and a half thousand.

Match transfer live

Despite the status and significance of the match, the fans of both teams, left without tickets, faced a problem - the game was not included in the grid of the main broadcast of “Match TV”.

However, an alternative solution was offered by the guest club. Zenit has announced the launch of a new online channel Z +, which will broadcast all matches with blue-white-blue in the Russian Premier League, including the 20th round meeting with Spartak.

“We are sure that the unique format of the Z + project will attract the attention of modern youth, the young progressive generation, who has managed to overcome all imaginable and inconceivable boundaries of interactive communication and creativity in the information space. Our new club interactive channel should become a truly unifying platform for fans around the world, ”the club’s press service quotes Zenit’s president Alexander Medvedev as quoting.

The return of Massimo Carrera

Ex-mentor red and white Massimo Carrera flew to the capital for several days. The coach has already managed to attend several events, took part in the filming of television shows, but he did not answer the main question - from which rostrum of the Arena Opening he will watch the game of his former team. By the time the article was published, the specialist who had made Spartak the champion had several suggestions in his hands: from the club owner Leonid Fedun, from a group of fans and from a long-time friend, a famous football agent Timur Gurtskaya. Thus, Carrera may have both the presidential lodge with the best view of the pitch, and the sector behind the goal, where the most active fans of red and white are concentrated, and one of the central stands of the stadium.

What the Italian guest will choose will become known only an hour before the starting whistle, but according to media reports in Spartak are ready for any development of events. The club’s security service is informed of all possible movements of Carrera and, if necessary, will provide the former employee with additional security.

  • Massimo carrera
  • Reuters
  • © Vincent West

Order in the stands and the rejection of pyrotechnics

All meetings of “Spartak” and “Zenith”, in whatever city irreconcilable rivals play, always end with serious fines for both clubs. The treasury of the RFC FTC after each derby of the two capitals is replenished by an impressive amount due to monetary penalties for chanting using obscene language and the use of pyrotechnics prohibited to bring to the stadium.

For Spartak, uncoordinated behavior of fans in the upcoming match may result in even more serious consequences - in the event of the next offense, Otkrytie Arena will be closed to spectators at the next game with CSKA. This was announced by the head of the FTC Arthur Grigoryants on the eve of the 20th round of the RPL.

“Spartak” has already been punished by closing the podium at the match with “Krasnodar” due to racist scans. We hope that this violation by the fans of this club will not happen again. Very much looking forward to it. At the same time, I note that “Spartak” is warned about the possible consequences. Indeed, more stringent measures can be taken - up to the closing of two fan stands or holding a match without spectators, ”the Sport Express functionary quotes.

Refrain from pyrotechnic shows in the stands and do not insult the fans of the other team of their fans and called "Zenith".

“We urge all fans of blue-white-blue to stop using pyrotechnics and abusive chants. We ask you to follow the rules of conduct at the stadium and we hope that there will be no place for provocations at the match, and the game will bring emotions and the joy of a bright sporting event, ”the club said in a statement from the banks of the Neva.

Player calls and performance from fans

“Spartak” during the pre-match week in the information field was more active than rivals. The calls to rally and support the team sounded both from the players and from active fans of the capital team.

Roman Zobnin, a Spartak midfielder and the Russian national team, sent his request to the fans not to overshadow the football holiday with protests and provocations.

"Friends! All of us together with you are looking forward to the top match of the championship of Russia against Zenit. We are waiting for your hot support, and we, in turn, will show you the maximum commitment and desire to win. I really want the show to succeed, and no extraneous things darken it. Let's make the match unforgettable with you: we will lay out on the field, and you will be in the stands! ”Zobnin wrote in his Instagram.

The midfielder initiative was supported by other red-and-white players. Muscovites defender Nikolai Rasskazov called the meeting with Zenit one of the most important matches of the year and asked fans for support.

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Red and white! We have one of the most crucial matches of the season ahead - with Zenit and CSKA😤We really want to win and fight for the highest places. We need your support more than ever. When you drive us forward, we have additional forces. Come to the stands, we are waiting for you very much !! Sp # Spartak # fcsm # efremov # forwardspartak # fksm # red-white collections # red-white # Spartak # Nikolayyrasskaz

Publication from Nikolai Rasskazov # 92 (@ nikolairasskazov_92) 16 Mar 2019 at 1:42 PDT

“Red and white! We have one of the most crucial games of the season ahead - with Zenit and CSKA. We really want to win and fight for the highest places. We need your support more than ever. When you drive us forward, we have additional forces. Come to the stands, we are waiting for you! ”- said Rasskazov.

Rally for the sake of a common goal fans called forward Luiz Adriano.

“I want Spartak Torsida to support our team in the“ Discovery Arena ”stands in the match with Zenit, and in the match with CSKA. Together we will win! ”- wrote a striker in Instagram.

The fans also did not stand aside and announced a colorful and large-scale performance in which, according to them, the entire northern stand of the stadium will be involved.

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Publication from STYLE OF LIFE SPARTAK (@supporters_group) 16 Mar 2019 at 2:41 PDT

# Jikiyanashkapitan

One of the main questions for fans of red and whites is still the topic of captaincy. Despite the discontent of the fans, the bandage still belongs to the disgraced Denis Glushakov. However, during his absence on the field, all powers are automatically transferred to his first assistant, Georgy Jikia.

The charismatic defender, who confidently played with Dynamo (on the account of the 14th number of the red-and-white goal and save), strengthened its position among the fans. Calls to approve Djikia captain sounded online throughout the entire pre-match week. Fans have launched on the social networks hashtag # Dzhikiyanashkapitan and intend to devote some of the banners to the football player.

  • George Djikia
  • RIA News
  • © Alexander Wilf