Antoine Kombouaré is no longer the coach of En Avant de Guingamp. Since the announcement of his departure, the reactions of supporters are multiplying. And you, what do you think of this choice?

The announcement fell on Tuesday morning: Antoine Kombouaré is no longer the coach of En Avant Guingamp. Pending the appointment of a new coach, the leaders of the Costa Rican club have decided to entrust the management of the professional group to Vincent Rautureau, director of the training center, and Sylvain Didot, coach of the National 3.

Are you a supporter of En Avant de Guingamp? What do you think of this choice? Give your opinion by participating in our survey.

Reactions multiply

Since the announcement of Tuesday morning, the reactions of supporters are increasing. Especially on social networks, where many fans of the Rouge et Noir seem satisfied with this departure, while the club remains stuck in last place in Ligue 1.

Fans of En Avant deplore this dismissal, however, feeling that their club has become "like the others" .

Have I hurt my Kalon M. Desplat ...
Give us the old lawn, the old seats, the old locker rooms, the good old football school, the balconies of the HLM, menhirs in defense and druids in attacks, in short our Forward Guingamp we love so much #FCNEAG

- Kalon 9999 (@LopinFabrice) November 4, 2018

Some fans are already considering the rest. And some names come back insistently to take the reins of the team. In particular that of Pascal Dupraz. Or that of Gourvennec, currently without a club, who would return to Roudourou ...

Dupraz in commando operation? The character, who we like or do not like, fits perfectly with the brand "En Avant de Guingamp". #EAG

- Nicolas Tallegas (@NTallegas) November 6, 2018