While it remains on a very conclusive draw against Rodez (1-1), the US Concarneau will try to validate its good form by going to win at the promoted Marseille, this Friday evening (20 pm).

The US Concarneau seems to have set the target. A success in Marignane, against a promoted who has not lost since September 7, would further support this observation, and especially validate the good exit Finistere ahead of Rodez (1-1), candidate for the climb. Alas for Nicolas Cloarec, the coach of the Tuna boats, the USC will travel without Maxime Toupin, who felt a pain in the thigh after the final training session, and without Thibaut Qinquin, retained by professional obligations.

The Concarnois will also visit early next week in Guyana, to face the US Matoury, Saturday (4 pm local time), as part of the 8th round of the Coupe de France.