Four Russians in the six and the failure of Ustyugov

“Tour de Ski” is gradually approaching its end, by the beginning of the weekend until the end of the prestigious ski race, there were only two races left in Italian Val di Fiemme. On Saturday, participants had to run a mass start, and then, according to its results, a Sunday pursuit race.

In this case, the Russians - both men and women - could claim victory in the overall standings.

In men, the first place before the final races was the champion of the 2017 Tour de Ski, Sergey Ustyugov, who was behind Johannes Klebo, the hero of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchen, by only 5.4 seconds in total. Thus, the sprint in Val di Fiemme largely became decisive.

In addition to Ustyugov, the top three of the overall standings from the Russians also included the leader of the overall standings of the World Cup, Alexander Bolshunov, who was already less than a minute behind the leader (+1: 18.2), but confidently ahead of two Norwegians Sindre Björnstad Skar and Simen Hegstad Krueger.

However, in the first meters of the distance, all the favorites chose to work slowly, and the Swede Victor Thorn took the first place. Ahead he did not go long, and after the first third of the distance, Ustyugov took the lead. However, according to the results of the first five kilometers, it was, of course, early to draw conclusions. Very soon, the Russians walked around Klebo who was pulled up. Not experienced tension experienced Swiss Dario Cologna, who fell in one of the turns.

Meanwhile, according to the results of half the distance, Klebo continued to lead, and Bolshunov took the second place. Ustyugov rolled back to the top ten. A little later, the Norwegian allowed Italian Italian Francesco De Fabiani to take the lead for a while, and the Russians somewhat lost their positions.

But after the ten-kilometer mark, domestic athletes began to demonstrate much more serious speed. If Ustyugov had gone from the first plan, then Bolsunov caught up with Klebo, and Andrei Sobakaryov unexpectedly made up the company to him. Moreover, Andrey Larkov and Maxim Vylegzhanin climbed into the top ten.

On the last lap, the leader was Bolsunov, but Klebo and a number of other skiers did not intend to let Alexander go to gold. Even Sobakarev was able to take the lead at 8.9 km, but De Fabiani bypassed everyone in the final climb. However, the last word is not left for the Italian, but for Klebo. Three-time Olympic champion competently laid out the forces in the distance, ahead of De Fabiani at the finish line and won the fourth victory in the Tour de Ski.

Bolsunov finally managed to finish third, and after him three Russians finished the race at once: Larkov (+3.4), Vylegzhanin (+4.6) and Sobakarev (+5.6). The Russians finished tightly in the first six, but, unfortunately, failed to fight for the first two lines. The bronze medalist was especially dissatisfied with this.

“The race was more or less successful, but there was an opportunity to fight for silver and gold. Just before the last corner I lost a little in speed, then I received several punches with sticks, and here and there the ski track was completely broken - this is also a couple of meters. That was not enough at the finish. I don’t set any tasks for tomorrow. I just want to drive better than in that year, ”- quotes the words of Bolshunov“ R-Sport ”.

Ustyugov had a not too successful race. Sergei completed the mass start with only 16 results and a 40-second lag and significantly worsened his position in the overall standings.

Now Ustyugov is behind Klebo by more than a minute (+1: 20.4) and has almost no chance of getting around the Norwegian. But Bolshunov strengthened his position in third place total (+1: 43.8). In the final race, Alexander is facing a battle with his compatriot for second place overall.

Silver Nepryaeva and bronze Sedova

In the women's race, Russian women also managed to win medals, and not just one, but two at once. However, the chances for this were initially high, because in the first six three Russians started at once - Natalia Nepryaeva, second in the overall standings, and Anastasia Sedova and Yuli Belorukova. The main stars of the national team had to fight for the victory with total leader Ingvill Flugstad Estberg.

Norwegian immediately escaped to first place, but the pursuit team quickly caught up with the leader. At the mark of 2.5 km Nepryaeva, Estberg was only 0.8 seconds behind, and the first place from the 15th was only 15 seconds. While the rest of the Russians were fighting for medals, Anna Zherebyatieva withdrew from the race almost at the very beginning of the race.

As for the remaining trio of domestic skiers, they took a little breather closer to the middle of the distance and rolled out of the leading three. However, as it turned out, it was a tactical retreat.

Estberg soon began to come off. Only Sedov, Nepryaeva and Finn Krista Pärmakoski tried to keep up with her. As a result, closer to the finish, the Russians safely escaped from a rival, and Nepryaeva won the finish race for silver at Sedova. Belorukova finished fifth (+39.7). At the same time, Natalya, after the finish, admitted that Anastasia had helped her a lot.

“Ingvild is a very strong rival. It so happened that after the bonus seconds she immediately turned on and went at the same pace, and the rest could not support. On the last lap, Nastya Sedova, who “dragged” the whole circle on my back, helped me a lot. Without her, I’d have to be very hard together with Christa, ”the Nepyaeva R-Sport quotes.

Flagstad won the third race in a row as part of the “Tour de Ski” and further extended the lead over their pursuers. Nepryaeva, who won the third consecutive silver, strengthened its position on the second line (+53.4). Belorukov (+2: 27.4) and Sedov (+3: 03.6) are in fourth and fifth places, respectively, and continue to struggle with Pärmakoski for third place overall.