“This year everyone is surprised at his decline, but I’m sure he will catch up. Its results were affected by the change of the training system. Knowing the Frenchman, I have no doubt that he will be in perfect shape by the main start of the year. Yes, the Big Crystal Globe is farther from him, but at the World Championships he can take his own, ”said Shipulin in an interview with RT.

He also answered the question whether the Frenchman should think about leaving the big sport.

"May be. But I find it difficult to answer for him, because every athlete makes a similar decision, weighing his personal pros and cons. I think that after this season, he will think about a possible retirement from the sport. Or, on the contrary, he will set a new goal, ”the Olympic champion added.

Earlier, Shipulin gave advice to Alexander Loginov to work, not paying attention to political games.