A Dubai Rugby Sevens 2018 difficult for the different teams of France. The girls, disappointed at not having managed to keep their inertia, finish in 7th place, and the boys, meanwhile, come out 3rd in their pool and miss the qualification for the Cup. They will play the Trophy Challenge to try to get a 5th place.

The hopes are high for the French team at 7 women, but they ran up against solid Americans in the quarter-finals of the Cup (10-12) and in the fight for 5th place fell hand-in-hand against their Russian counterparts.

Hard day

Frustrating when we return to the course of the Blue during the group stage ... And difficult to console with this 7th place, torn off with the way it says against Ireland (17-5), while we know the quality of the tricolor players.

For the men's team the report is not much better but the expectations are different. The Blues have failed to recover from the spanking inflicted by the Olympic champions Fijians (0-39) and have struggled to take over Kenya (21-17). Reaching an anecdotal draw against Scotland (14-14), the sevens missed the qualification for the Cup and will have to play the Trophy Challenge to hope to console themselves with a 5th place.