It is not very hot this morning ... 5 tips and precautions to adopt to better appreciate your output of the day.

The hands that turn purple, the layers of clothes that begin to accumulate ... Of course, the temperatures are not negative, but the cold is waiting for us! An extreme cold when running. "The temperature announced on our thermometer is much higher than that felt by the runner in action, because of the speed of movement of the runner to which the wind is associated ," reveals Jean-Jacques Menuet, sports doctor in Saint-Malo and of the Fortunéo-Vital Concept cycling team. It must easily remove five degrees! "

1. Become aware of the risks

Running in the cold, the rider may expose himself to certain risks. The body, whose temperature is about 37 degrees, must adapt to the low temperature of the air. "In order to warm up, the muscles require more work to the heart," says the doctor. The heart pump and the arteries are more stressed. And the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, is increased, especially for older people.

Should we really continue to play outdoor sports at low temperatures? | Shopping

Winter is also the season when athletes contract the most tendonitis or injuries. The tendons and the muscles are indeed more weakened by the cold. This is also the case of hypoglycemic attacks. When a person runs in the cold, he or she spends more calories and, according to the specialist, "as the energy expenditure is higher than usual, the runner can easily suffer from hypoglycaemia. "

Our bronchi also respond more when temperatures are low. As a result, "the athlete can do more easily asthma . " Finally, the cold weather is not good for already existing infections so if you have a cold, avoid running outdoors.

2. Wear appropriate clothing

Christelle Daunay, army of gloves. The athlete, European champion of the marathon in 2014, holds the record of the marathon in France in 2 h 24 and that of the 10 000 m in 31 minutes 35 seconds. | West France

In the face of these threats, care must be taken to cover oneself sufficiently to avoid getting cold, without suffocating after ten minutes of effort. Two to three layers are enough at the top. " A cotton t-shirt, a fleece and possibly a gore jacket if it rains or sells. » Pantyhose or jogging downstairs. And warm hands and feet. "The extremities are often hard to warm up," he says, as they are less irrigated by the heart in cold weather.

Suitable socks and two layers of gloves, preferably: "one type silk, very fine, which will stick to the hands and over another type neoprene. On the other hand, "the cold receivers being the forehead, the ears and the neck" , it is recommended to run with a headband that will cover your forehead and your ears, as well as a cap on top if it is really cold. . You can also wear a light fitting scarf.

3. Adjust your rhythm

Start and finish slowly to accustom your body to variations of pace and therefore heat. | Pexels

The warm-up should last at least "a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes," informs Jean-Jacques Menuet. By the time the body becomes accustomed to temperature changes, the faster the athlete runs, the warmer the body gets. Nevertheless, the worst mistake would be to leave at a brisk pace. You have to start and finish slowly.

In case of extreme cold, it is better to "avoid fractional sessions, which make the heart work harder" . More than usual, you have to listen to your body, your heart, your muscles, your sensations, and "do not push the" machine "too far" . Once the session closed, it is advisable to go quickly shower with hot water and change to not take cold.

4. Drink sweet and hot

A hot drink after exercise is recommended. | Pexels

Since the risk of hypoglycemia increases during cold weather, avoid fasting in the winter. During an hour of running, "we usually burn 250 to 300 calories. In winter, this figure rises easily to 500, " explains Jean-Jacques Menuet. From simple to double.

It is thus necessary to take care to eat well beforehand, but also to drink since the cold air increases the risk of dehydration. Opt for sweet water because "the colder it gets, the more the runner needs sugar. Water with syrup for example. It is ideal, before, during and after the effort. Better still to fight against the cold: "lukewarm sweet tea" , or still sugar beet juice, which dilates the arteries.

5. Avoid running under - 5 degrees

"Under the minus five degrees, avoid running outdoors, including split sessions, notify the sports doctor. Afterwards, everything depends on the level of the athlete, the content of his session and his physical condition. "