The national football team, led by Italian coach Alberto Zaccheroni, faces a major challenge following the rise in the number of injured players who will be out of the squad for the Asian Cup in January next year. To the list of injured players, as a result of injury to the ankle, as announced by the Federation of the ball on his account via Twitter, and missed the player already from the friendly match played by the team against Yemen last Tuesday, at the end of the last internal camp held in Although he has only 43 days left on the start of the tournament. The team starts his career on January 5 with a meeting with the Bahraini national team. However, , Khalid Issa, Ali Mabkhout and Ismael Al Hammadi. Khamis Ismael, Walid Abbas, Mahmoud Khamis and Ismail Matar were not among the main elements in most periods when the white ranks are complete. And others, are Omar Abdel Rahman and Ahm Khalil goalkeeper ali khasif and Amer Abdulrahman and Defense Ismail Ahmad and Muhannad Anzi and Mohammed Ahmed Khalfan Mubarak, and in front of these difficult choices Zaccheroni was forced to use players replacements and new faces.

«Emirates Today» monitors the presence of only three players of the basic elements that represented the composition of the core team in the previous period.

1 - Khalid Issa

Khaled Issa, 29, has been a key guard since he was on the bench at the time, in the presence of guards Ali Khaseef and Majed Nasser, who are currently absent from the team. He continued to provide advanced technical levels, and gained considerable experience in dealing with the big games and tournaments that the team, which made the coach depends on him currently in the goalkeeper of the White during his appearance in the Asian Cup and the presence of alternate guards Mohamed Hassan Al Shamsi and Fahd Al-Dhahnani.


Striker Ali Mabkhout, 28, is one of the main pillars of the national team. He has been absent for the past few days due to injury, but he has returned and joined the team during the final preparation period. The coach relies heavily on making the difference in the Asian Championship Coming in, especially as the top scorer in Australia in 2015 with five goals in the tournament.

3 - Ismail Hammadi

The current circumstances of the team, and the absence of key elements such as Amouri and Ahmed Khalil, has made coach Zaccheroni puts Al Hammadi among the main options that will depend on the next phase, especially in the next Asian Cup, because there is no suitable alternative player can fill the void that was occupied Ahmed Khalil, when he was at the top of his artistic and football level.

The elements that are currently absent from the team

1 - Omar Abdul Rahman

2 - Ahmed Khalil

3 - Ismail Ahmed

4 - Ali Khaseef

5 - Amer Abdul Rahman

6 - Mohammed Ahmed

7 - Khalfan Mubarak

8-Muhannad al-Anzi