Actor for Akinfeev

Recently, no one will be surprised with films that tell about the life and career of famous athletes. But for the athlete himself it is possible not to matter who exactly will present his image on the screen. The goalkeeper of CSKA Moscow Igor Akinfeev, who in the final round of the Champions League left his goal intact in a match with the formidable Real Madrid, wondered about this.

“Which actor could play me in a movie?” One that looks like me. Let it be Tom Cruise. It is desirable that this was a comedy, I love them very much. In life, we have little fun. All sad. I would like people to relax, become kinder, smile to each other, ”the UEFA press service quoted Akinfeev as saying.

Debut boxer transgender

Who else deserves a film about him is a transgender boxer from the USA, Patricio Manuel. Most recently, the athlete held his first fight in the professional ring, in which he defeated the Mexican Hugo Aguilar. At the same time until 2012, he was a candidate for the US Women's Olympic team.

“Hats off to my opponent. He fought with me like a man. I respect him for that. It took me a lot of effort to be here. But this is only the beginning. I'll be back, ”said Manuel after the fight.

Disagreements in a team

In hockey, few people will surprise the fights between rivals, but sometimes passions flare up between partners. This happened at the training session of the NHL club "St. Louis Blues", when Robert Bortuzzo and Zach Sanford decided to sort things out with their fists. Athletes had time to exchange a pair of heavy blows before they had time to separate.

Perhaps it was this incident that benefited the team. After the fight, “St. Louis”, which is located at the bottom of the Western Conference standings, scored two wins in a row. Both meetings with the “Florida Panthers” and “Colorado Avalanche” ended with a score of 4: 3, and Bortuzzo recorded an assist at his own expense.

Based on the movie

Unlike St. Louis hockey players, tennis player Marina Erakovich will no longer have to worry about the results of the matches. She announced the completion of a tennis career, and approached this issue with creativity. So, the new zealand shot a video in which she addressed the fans with the help of cards with text in the style of the main character of the film “Real Love”.

"Hello! I want to make an important announcement. Yes everything is correct. I am not getting married and not pregnant. But I finish with tennis. Thank you for your support over all these years, ”the athlete silently announced.

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Publication from MARINA ERAKOVIC (@marinaerakovic) December 10, 2018 at 7:52 PST

English "King of the Jungle"

What to do after the end of his career Erakovich may ask the famous football coach Harry Redknapp. The 71-year-old Englishman has been without a club for more than a year, but he is not wasting time. The Englishman took part in a survival reality show and won it.

In this case, the mentor had to go through many tests on the way to triumph. Suffice it to recall the finale of the show, during which Redknapp was placed underground, and rats ran along its body and crawled at the beetles. However, the endurance and endurance of Harry brought him the honorary title of "King of the Jungle."

KING HARRY !! An absolute worthy winner! # Teamharry # imaceleb # / 1AjiFJjXsU

- Harry Redknapp (@Redknapp) December 9, 2018

Medvedev on television

For Evgenia Medvedeva this season is not the best way. The silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang unsuccessfully performed at the Grand Prix in figure skating and did not even reach the final. To get a little distracted, the athlete decided to take part in the MTV-Russia show and become one of the ambassadors of the Korean music project, which she adores.

It remains to hope that participation in the program will not harm Medvedeva's professional career. But according to the head of the TV channel Yana Churikova, Yevgeny is fully focused on training and solving her tasks in figure skating. It will be evaluated by Asian music groups exclusively in their free time.

Unusual sparring

Renowned boxers also decided to change their activities a bit. The current and former absolute world champions Ukrainian Alexander Usyk and American Terence Crawford held a sparring, but not in the ring, but at the chessboard. Both athletes posted relevant photos in their Instagram accounts. It is not known, in whose favor the improvised game ended, but it definitely did not come to the melee.

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Publication from LOMUS BOXING (@lomus_boxing) 8 Dec 2018 at 2:17 PST

First steps after injury

In the near future, race driver Robert Wickens will also have to change his line of business and do something more relaxed. After the accident, which occurred in August at the stage in Pocono, the pilot received multiple fractures of the legs and in the chest, as well as damage to the spine and spinal cord. Now the athlete will have to re-learn to walk.

At the same time, Wickens is already undergoing rehabilitation and is slowly but surely moving towards his recovery. So, on Twitter, he posted a video on which he learns to stand anew with a straight posture. It can be seen how much effort it costs an athlete, but he does not lose a positive attitude.

Scandalous vote

When conversations about the Golden Ball award began to subside, and the front pages of the football media took up conversations on other topics, the Spanish edition of Marca reported a number of contradictions during the voting. For example, it turned out that a journalist from the Comoros, Abdu Boyna, does not exist, and the publication he allegedly represented was closed six years ago. Thus, the attacker “Paris Saint-Germain” and the French team Kilian Mbappé got an extra vote.

In addition, the journalist Lasana Liburd from Trinidad and Tobago announced an error in the accounting of her votes. She claims that she placed Lionel Messi, the Barcelona striker, in first place in her rating, and Atletico striker Antoine Griezmann - on the fifth. The publication France Football also published a table where the players are distributed the other way around.

Russian football plans

“Golden Ball” is a dream for many football players, but not everyone declares it publicly. However, Roman Tugarev is not shy about this. The Lokomotiv forward said that his main goal is to be recognized as the best player in the world. Perhaps the head coach of the team Yuri Semin should bear this in mind, because a 20-year-old player spends not much time on the field. So, in the final match of the group stage of the Champions League with the German "Schalke", he stayed on the bench.

Ovechkin without reward

In addition to the “Golden Ball” in football, other awards have found their owners. So, the American magazine Sports Illustrated determined the winner in the nomination "Athlete of the Year." The winner of this award was the team of the National Basketball Association (NBA) "Golden State Warriors", which last season won the third championship title in the last four years.

The decision to award the award to the team from Auckland caused a wave of discontent on the part of North American fans. Sports fans came to the defense of the Russian hockey player “Washington Capitals” Alexander Ovechkin, demanding an apology to the athlete and cancel the decision of the editorial board. Fans said that this year no one did as much as the captain of the “capitals”, who helped his team to become the Stanley Cup for the first time in history.

  • Hockey player "Washington Capitals" Alexander Ovechkin
  • Reuters

Basketball player against NASA

Meanwhile, the Golden State point guard Stephen Curry has little concern about the Sports Illustrated award, since he was seriously concerned about space issues. In particular, he expressed doubt that in 1969, American astronauts actually made a landing on the moon.

This so outraged NASA that they even offered Curry to visit the control laboratory in Houston and see for themselves the items proving the landing on Earth satellite. It is noteworthy that before the match with “Golden State” the club “Sacramento Kings also did not bypass this topic and decided to make fun of the leader of the rivals. Representing the starting five "Warriors", they put on a large screen video, which was shown by an astronaut walking on the moon.

Tips from Pedan

The last eight years, hockey player Andrei Pedan spent in North America, only in 2018, returning home. During this time, he managed to form a certain opinion as residents of overseas countries, as well as note significant differences in behavior. Ak Bars defender admitted that in Russia he is much more pleasant to communicate with people, but he does not recommend doing this in an elevator.

“I prefer Russian communication. Here I am more impressed by humor and human relationships. Maybe I don’t understand something, but it seemed to me that everything in the USA was too harsh. Everyone is smiling, saying: “Hi, how are you?”. If we go into the elevator and ask about how things are, they will think that you are some kind of maniac or insane. They will say: “What do you need, go on,” said Pedan to the Championship.

Fighters against nightclubs

MMA fighter Alexander Shlemenko is much more critical of the West. According to an athlete who is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, many negative aspects of life, in particular, nightclubs, came to Russia from abroad.

“Night clubs are a hotbed of all ills. They use alcohol, drugs, many are addicted to them there. In the USSR, they were not. Where did it come to us? From the West. All the worst we take from there. Such institutions are broken families, adultery, inappropriate behavior, stabbing and murder. What is the meaning of them? ”- quotes Shlemenko“ Sport-Express ”.

It is noteworthy that quite recently, other well-known athletes, UFC lightweight champion Habib Nurmagomedov and Olympic freestyle wrestling champion, took the initiative to close nightclubs in Dagestan and Olympic freestyle wrestling champion.