Removal of the captain of the "Ural" and a series of "Ufa"

The program of the 12th round of the RPL opened the fight between outsiders of the standings. As the host, Ural powerfully began the meeting and in the first 20 minutes he could print out the Ufa gates twice, but both of Andrei Panyukov’s hits were extremely inaccurate. And in the end of the half, the guests took the lead: defender Pavel Alikin scored the first goal of the season.

In the second half, Dmitry Parfenov's wards again acted more actively than “Ufa”. Forward of the “Ural” Erik Bikfalvi, when drawing a corner, ferried the ball into the opponent's goal. This goal for him - the fourth of the season. The last time he hit the gates of opponents about two months ago. True, Yekaterinburg did not manage to achieve more, and the ending of the meeting for them was overshadowed by the removal of team captain Artem Fidler. In the course of the riding competition, he hit the opponent’s face, for which he was deservedly punished with a second yellow card. "Ufa" could not take advantage of the numerical advantage and for the third time in a row it broke up with the enemy.

Djordjevic's Scorpion Smash and Game on the Second Floor

In Tula, the local Arsenal met with Orenburg. In the last round, Oleg Kononov's wards sensationally beat Spartak and dismissed Massimo Carrera, but could not cope with the debutant of the Premier League. In this case, the hosts twice led in the course of the match.

At the end of the first half, Resiuan Mirzov opened the scoring. However, the main struggle unfolded in the final half an hour of the meeting. Ufa midfielder Sergei Terekhov scored the return goal, and just three minutes later, Luka Djordjevic led the hosts for three minutes. Forward from Montenegro deftly put his heel and “blow of a scorpion” struck the gate Evgeny Frolov.

However, to keep the advantage of the squad Kononov failed. 14 minutes before the final whistle, Denis Popovich designed the second goal of the season. It is noteworthy that the guests scored both goals thanks to a skillful game on the “second floor”. The teams could not identify the winner and remained in the middle of the table.

31 thousand fans and the victory of "Rostov" in the minority

After a brilliant start this season, Valery Karpin's wards slowed down a little and suffered two defeats in a row - from Orenburg and Lokomotiv. An excellent chance to return to the victorious rails presented in a duel with one of the main outsiders of the championship - “Anji”, who continues to fight not only with opponents, but also with financial problems. In favor of Makhachkala residents played except that the absence of Alexey Ionov in the owners of one of their main stars.

However, this fact did not prevent the “Rostov” to win the sixth win of the season. They began to besiege the opponent's possessions and soon opened an account - after a corner, Bjorn Sigurdarson distinguished himself. As a result, this goal was victorious, and even the removal of Dmitry Skopintsev did not prevent the owners from getting three points. Already in the 53rd minute, the defender received a second “yellow card” for the simulation, but for the remaining time, the players of “Anji” could be noted only by the most dangerous blow to the post.

The broken head of Querkwelia and the defeat of the Yenisei

After a sensitive defeat from Porto, the wards of Yuri Semin went to Krasnoyarsk, where a difficult meeting with the local Enisey was waiting for them. The hosts acted very actively, but the railway workers opened the account. Alexei Miranchuk waylaid a rebound and with a beautiful kick in the fall sent the ball into the goal by Mikhail Filippov. However, this failure did not embarrass the team of Dmitry Alenichev. His players continued to violently attack and no less aggressively fight for the balls. And twice it almost became the cause of the injury of Solomon Querkwelia. At the end of the first half, he ran into Rade Dugalic, and in the second he received a boot with a boot on Arthur Sarkisov’s head, as a result of which doctors had to urgently stop the bleeding and apply bandages.

The attacking impulse of the Yenisei was only stopped in the final ten minutes of the meeting. “Lokomotiv” twice sent the ball into the goal of the hosts and brought the score to large. And in both goals, Eder participated. First, he gave an assist to Manuel Fernandes, and then distinguished himself. Lokomotiv won the fourth victory in a row and returned to the group of leaders.

Zero draw and half empty stands

In the last round, Akhmat and Dynamo became the authors of the main sensations, beating Krasnodar and Zenit with a minimum score, respectively. But even this fact, as well as the positive statistics of the performances of Grozny residents in the last five rounds (two wins, two draws, one defeat) did not help them fill the stands of their stadium. Less than 10 thousand people came to watch the match with football players from Moscow.

Apparently, this also upset the players themselves, who for the whole match were able to create just a couple of scoring chances. The most dangerous of them took place in the 80th minute, when Dynamo defender Grigory Morozov received a pass in the penalty area from Konstantin Rausch, beat two opponents, but shot past the gate. The meeting ended in a goalless draw, and the history of the confrontation of the clubs now looks extremely presentable: in the 21st match, each of the teams celebrated seven victories, the same number of games ended with an equal score.

The absence of a coach and the historical victory of Krasnodar

In the central match of the tour, CSKA took Krasnodar in his field. During the week both teams played badly in European competitions and hoped to improve their mood by winning in a principled bout. In addition, in October, the “bulls” never won in the RPL, and the third defeat in a row could psychologically crush the players.

However, they had to fight with a venerable rival without head coach Murad Musayev, who was disqualified for two matches because of insults to the referee in the last round. The mentor was forced to watch the meeting with CSKA from the stands of VEB Arena. Not escaped personnel losses and CSKA, who could not count on his main central defender Rodrigo Bekao, who went over the yellow cards.

In the first half, the teams couldn't score with goals, and the main events took place after the break. Just nine minutes after the start of the second 45-minute, Nikola Vlašić brilliantly put an end to the most beautiful counterattack of the army team and led the hosts ahead. Viktor Goncharenko decided to strengthen the defense and left the team without forwards, for which he paid. "Krasnodar" gave a powerful segment and in two minutes twice upset Igor Akinfeev. First, Ari distinguished himself, and after he assisted Victor Klasson.

For the final assault, the army was not enough - Krasnodar for the first time in history won a guest victory over CSKA. Now Krasnodar has 22 points, the team finished second in the RPL standings and became the main pursuer of Zenit.

Successful replacement Berdiyev and whistle for Glushakov

The away match with Rubin became for Raul Riancho the first in the RPL in the status of the head coach of Spartak. The meeting ended offensive for the red and white draw. At the same time, a Spanish specialist certainly came to Kazan with a special attitude, because here he worked for several years as an assistant to Kurban Berdiyev and was involved in all the main victories of Rubin at the end of the zero.

This time Riancho was on the other side of the barricades, as well as Roman Eremenko with Salvatore Bokketti and Ivelin Popov, who also managed to play in Kazan.

The teams exchanged scored balls in the end of the meeting. “Spartak” stepped forward in the 78th minute thanks to a penalty earned and sold by Dmitry Kombarov.

However, the owners were rescued by the grandmaster substitution Berdiyev. In addition, the time added by the arbiter Kazan earned a corner, and the coach issued a standard for the high central defender Yegor Sorokin. Castling fully justified itself - the football player by the first contact with his head sent the ball into the net and equalized the score.

It is also necessary to note the return of captain Denis Glushakov to the main team of Spartak. He got into the bid for the match, but did not come out on the field, which did not prevent the red-and-whites fans from meeting the midfielder with unpleasant chants and whistles. In the absence of Glushakov, 18-year-old Mikhail Ignatov looked good in the center of the field, who acted confidently and even pleased the gathered fans with a pair of spectacular tricks.

Bad luck "Wings" and the goal Paredes

But the leading “Zenith” in contrast to the “Spartacus” has achieved an away victory. True, the match with the “Wings of the Soviets” St. Petersburg people will try to forget as soon as possible. Even the blue-white-and-blue mentor Sergey Semak, after the final whistle, admitted that his team was not acting in the best way.

According to statistics, the hosts inflicted 11 shots on the opponent's goal. Guests were noted only by two, but one of them was productive. Leandro Paredes in the middle of the first half after the discount Artem Dziuba from outside the penalty bottom struck into the far corner.

In the future, Samarans more than once could recoup, but that evening they did not have enough luck. The most obvious chance immediately after the break was missed by Maxim Kanunnikov, who shot from the goalkeeper's limits into the crossbar.

In addition to winning the result, Zenit players got the opportunity to rejoice for Alexander Anyukov. In his native city, the 36-year-old defender for the 400th time went on the field in a St. Petersburg team shirt. It is curious that Samara fans are already calling to name the new city airport by the name of a football player.