The SM Caen is imprinted with doubts with this new disturbing defeat against a team in crisis. Fabien Mercadal did not mince his words after the match while Thierry Henry liked the result without appreciating the way.

Fabien Mercadal (Caen coach): "We are disappointed, frustrated, it's a bit confusing in our minds. We feel that there is a lot of doubt about our team, a great lack of confidence, and that there is a great feeling of helplessness. We focused a lot but the gesture is not fluid, we lack of presence in the surface, we are stopped, we miss a lot of technical accuracy ... Time goes on and fans get impatient, it makes sense is a vicious circle. We were already in a situation of urgency, we do not move forward, we know it.

Caen - Monaco: Beauvue, lost in the phantom attack ... The notes of the Caen

My goal is to find solutions, consistency, strength is to recognize that I have not found. I had a good feeling before this game, it's all the harder, I'm sent back to the ropes. I regret my expulsion at the end for an excess of mood and I am sad for the fans, all these feelings are mixed. We can not give pleasure, it's a very complicated time. I gladly accept this failure and I have a duty to help my players get up. It is necessary to go up the cursor in many areas, it is urgently needed a good result. "

++ First victory of Thierry Henry with Monaco against Caen

Thierry Henry (Monaco coach): "I'm happy for the team, all the fans, we needed that, even if it was not a great match. We could have taken shelter and in football, we do not know what can happen, we waited and it turned in our favor. I would like to highlight the good match Badiashile in the axis, Pierre-Gabriel right, and even our midfielder.

Thierry HENRY (Monaco coach), during the success of his men against Caen. | Antoine SOUBIGOU

The team went to get this victory, it can bring us a little serenity. We'll see more, it's better when we win but we will not ignite, this is only the beginning, there are still many matches and other battles to come.

Falcao scored his free-kick, he showed it was Falcao. He is the captain, he is there to score goals and has answered this. The way is important in general, but there we were not there. The way we will think after. On Caen: it is a team that centers quickly, brings combat, we knew what to expect.

I'm especially happy for the band, for all the work they've done for a while that was not rewarded, but things do not come that way. We are always relegated. "

Monaco finally, Guingamp sinks, Nantes on the wire ... The five infos to remember of the evening