The Dukes have the gift of complicating their lives, waiting too long to return to their match. Result, a first third time lost despite four face-to-face with Surek.

Vigners and Draper make their law side Alsatian and the latter logically opens the score. Then, after a new goal conceded early in the second period, things get a little more complicated, but for the umpteenth time, the Dukes react when they are back to the wall.

It was Lacroix who put his team back on track, then Carter continued his winning return of a shot in a closed angle (double superiority).

The best is yet to come, when shortly after the return of the locker room and while nothing was played yet, Gaborit finds the solution alone outnumbered, while his opposite had just broken his butt. A blow of the fate which will not recover any more Mulhouse and Farnier comes again bring the key victorious of the fourth line by going to beat alone the porter Alsatian. The essential is assured.

ANGERS - MULHOUSE: 4-2 (0-1, 2-1, 2-0).

ANGERS: Lacroix (in top) (Coulombe) 24'24 '', Carter (in 2) (Coulombe, Masson) 30'35 '', Gaborit (in lower) (Campbell) 42'09 '', Farnier 52'57 ''.

MULHOUSE: Draper (in sup) (Trudeau, Vigners) 7'52 '', Nikkila (Vigners, Lorcher) 22'37 ''.