137 wins, the greatest pitcher, Bae Young-soo wears the Doosan Bears uniform.

Doosan announced today that it signed a 100 million won annual salary with right - hander Bae Young - soo.

Bae Young-soo, who graduated from Gyeongbuk-do and joined the Samsung Lions as a rookie first in 2000, was Samsung's most famous franchise star.

After moving to the Hanwha Eagles at the end of the 2014 season, Bae Young-soo has been in the 462 games for 19 years, reaching a record of 137-120 with an average ERA of 4.46.

Bae Young-soo, who had only 55 points and 2 innings in the first division this year, was excluded from the list of Hanhwa holders after the end of the season.

Doosan said, "I think that Bae Young-soo, who is the biggest pitcher in the current season, has a lot of competitiveness.

"I am honored to be able to spend that meaningful season in Doosan, and I will dedicate everything to win the team," Bae Young-soo said through the club.

(Photo = Provided by Doosan Bears / Yonhap News)