According to the program "Special Envoy" broadcast on France 2 this Tuesday night, PSG players receive monthly bonuses if they greet the public late in the game. Bonuses that can go up to € 375,000 for Neymar ...

France 2, in its program "Envoyé spécial", made new revelations in the case of "Football Leaks". A series of revelations made by a consortium of European journalists shows that PSg players would receive bonuses if they cheer the fans at the end of the matches.

If Parisian players welcome their audience bonuses between 33 000 and 375 000 euros are distributed to the stars of the club of the capital. Neymar, star of the Parisian attack, would be the one who receives the biggest amount in this affair.

At #PSG, vertiginous salaries, secret clauses, and an ethical bonus with the obligation to greet and thank the fans before and after each game. Its amount varies depending on the players, from 33,000 to 375,000 net euros per month for Neymar. #FootballLeaks # PostedSpecial

- Special Envoy (@EnvoyeSpecial) November 8, 2018