David Cardoso was relieved of his duties on 2 October by FC Nantes and soon found a club. The Portuguese has just been named coach of Celta Vigo, currently 14th in the Spanish league.

41 days. The time it took Miguel Cardoso to find a bench. The Portuguese technician, thanked by FC Nantes on 2 October, has just been officially appointed coach of Celta Vigo.

He has committed until 2020 with the Spanish club currently 14th of Liga. Cardoso replaces Antonio Mohamed, named this summer and fired the day after the defeat of his home players against Real Madrid. In Nantes, the Portuguese had only held eight matches.

READ ALSO: Miguel Cardoso, a summer passion

His last, at the head of the yellow then 19th of Ligue 1, had ended in a convincing draw in Lyon. A new challenge for him, the third at the head of a team first after Rio Ave and Nantes.

El Portuguese Miguel Cardoso es el nuevo entrenador del #Celta. ¡Bienvenido! #BenvidoCardoso

- RC Celta (@RCCelta) November 12, 2018