The Sartois professional Jean-Michel Bazire won the Grand National du Trot final at Vincennes. It was also the race on which one could play in the quinté. The GNT is a challenge for trotters that takes place all year long on 13 French racecourses including Nantes, Pornichet, Laval ...

It is not with the one that was expected that the coach Jean-Michel Bazire, installed in Solesmes (Sarthe), shone. If in the general classification the horse Cleangame won the match hands down (six wins out of thirteen), it is another horse driven by the Sarthois who won the last stage this Sunday at the racecourse Paris-Vincennes.

Led by Alexandre Abrivard, it is Blé du Gers who passed the post this Sunday, December 2. On the podium, after the race, the Sarthois coach was content with a "I'm happy" . While Alexandre Abrivard the laureate driver seemed relieved. "It's a great win that's good. I did not realize a good start of meeting (winter period during which the races are linked on the racecourse of Vincennes). I did not have the shape .

In this last stage of the turn of France trotters, Cleangame finished 3rd. As a driver Jean-Michel Bazire has already won the GNT final six times.