The French climber has discovered his new Vital Concept team at the first stage of the Bretons last week. At age 32, Pierre Rolland sets himself a new challenge.

Why did you choose to join the Vital Concept training?

My choice was fast enough. Jérôme Pineau's project is the one that gave me the most desire. He told me about his team, his vision, the role I would have in the team. The way he built his team in a year I liked it a lot. It's a solid project, I wanted to give my stone to the building. Jerome is a young manager, fresh. I think it's good for cycling. It is necessary to renew and move the furniture.

After three years abroad, was it a priority for you to return to a French team?

It was a wish, it was one of the important points, but it was not a priority. The priority was to find a project that suits me and in which I had a nice role.

What is your assessment of your years at Cannondale (then Team EF)?

It was complicated at times but it was a good experience, very rewarding from a personal point of view.

Read also: IN IMAGES: Vital Concept at the 3rd Rima test.

You join a team that was built around a sprinter. What will be your role?

Shine when the road rises. It will be necessary for me to be present all the year, on the most difficult competitions and the races in stages. We do not know exactly our schedule, so it's not easy. We depend on the invitations, I hope we will be given time to show the jersey and prove ourselves before the invitations are given. Then the roles will take place slowly over the season, it will be done naturally.

A season without Tour de France, it's possible for you?

I did ten Tour de France in a row, it's something complicated enough to imagine. But every year, whether we are in a World Tour team or not, we are not sure of being there. There is always some uncertainty. You have to be one of the top eight on the team, and match the plan. There, in addition there is the parameter of the selection which takes into account. We hope to be there, we will do everything we need to. We just hope that the invitations will not fall on January 1st.

Without a leader in the mountains, you will probably be freer.

I will have more freedom as soon as the road is hilly in the mountains. I will be able to do what I like: from far away, to try exploits. Things that really fit me. I will not have a leader to accompany to the last pass. I will find a form of freedom that corresponds to me 100%.