With the draw torn in the last minutes by the Netherlands last night in Germany (2-2), and four days after the sinking of the Blues in Rotterdam (0-2), the French team is not qualified for the final four of the League of Nations in June. A stop. To avoid the blues of the end of the year, it will be important to redeem (a little) tonight against Uruguay in a friendly match. And conclude with dignity an unforgettable year.

We will not lie to you. Watching Germany - Netherlands Monday night in front of our TV, we smiled for a long time thinking of Didier Deschamps and his favorite pet, symbol of his foolproof fortune. 2-0 for the Mannschaft after 20 minutes, France qualified for the Final Four of the League of Nations thanks to the victory of its historical rival, the cynical scenario, the smooth plan of the world champion ...

And then battles ... It must be believed that the luck that usually escorts the French coach and his team were the trunk in the cold of Rotterdam on Friday. In five minutes: Dutch double goal, including a central defender in the 90th, qualification of the Netherlands for the Final Four, elimination of the French, probably stunned, like us, in front of their TV set. The second blade after Rotterdam. The guigne!

Go, if we are optimistic, we say that this elimination is not the end of the world either. We do not care, we are world champions? A little.

But four days after the impressive road exit at Feyenoord Stadium, we also say that the end of the year 2018 turns a little bit vinegar for the Blues and their project of minimalist or even blurry game. And that we are not necessarily reassured for the future (start of the qualifiers for Euro 2020, in March).

A first solution to redeem himself: beat Cavani's Uruguay, Suarez & Co, tonight. This will not completely erase the last days and will not sweep the questions, but it will allow the Blues to win back and reassure their audience, to complete 2018 on a happy note at the Stade de France. It's important and highly symbolic, after a wonderful year that must not end on a false note.